True, the die-hards will sink with the ship if they have too, they are that dedicated (that should be a lesson to all of us).
But, with what I've been hearing, people scambeling(sp) to purchase guns and ammo when they never thought they would need them is something (when you see fellow American's Waking-Up).
They will use this as spin, and I can't wait for ol' Sarah (or the head dude, forgot his name, don't really care to remember it) to say that the people had "sniper rifles" (as they are being referred to even on Fox and calling the criminals snipers) and then get the chance to remind everyone, she bought her son the same type of rifle.
Anything to advance their agenda.
And I bet that San Fran. gets that ban across. In their minds, if all guns are banned in the city then if (when) the big one hits, no one will have guns and there will be no looting, murders, or rapes.
They believe that everyone will join hands and sing kum-by-ya down the street.
And yes, I really believe that this is what they believe will happen.
Honestly, I can't wait for O'Reilly to even try to buy a gun, he's in NYC. Wonder if he'll do a talking points memo on that one