Oregon, Washington, California Cougar Hunters


New member
Hey all,

I'm wondering if there are any of you out there, especially in those states that don't allow the use of dogs, who have been successful mountain lion hunting with spot and stalk, calling, or other methods. Here in NM, you can use dogs, but I don't have access to any. You also cannot trap or bait cougar. Any stories?


No Mountain Lion hunting allowed here in California - another thing to dislike about this State. Very few Big Horn Sheep left, and fewer deer as a consequence.
I have a friend here in Washington that was bowhunting for elk in Oregon and had two cougar come to his cow call. He killed one.

The reason the west coast states have these restrictions is that we manage our game by ballot box. We have the initative system which makes us vunerable to every whack-job proposal the antis want to try out.
I don't hunt specifically for cougars but most guys I know will shoot them on sight.

As mentioned before hunting cougar was regulated by ballot box and PETA ran a dirty campaign. You can still hunt them in Oregon but without bait or dogs, you'll only see one if it's hunting you.

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I called one to within 35 yards one time with a predator call. No I didn't shoot it. In over forty years of hunting and predator calling, (usually in cougar country) that is the only one I've seen. jd