Oregon thought police

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Imagine your telephone ringing in the middle of the night. The caller informs you that he is a police officer. He wants to "get you the help and appropriate resources you need." But wait, you have not asked for any help, don't need any help, and certainly don't want this "help" in the middle of the night.

But this offer of "help" and "appropriate resources" is an offer you can't refuse. You see, your home is surrounded by SWAT teams from multiple jurisdictions. There are men in helmets with machine guns everywhere. Snipers are aiming at your home. You are told to come outside. You are promised you won't be arrested, handcuffed or removed from your property. You are told your possessions will not be confiscated. The friendly paramilitary troops outside your house just want to chat with you.

(read the rest of the story by following the link below)

I can't say that I'm "enraged" but I am "outraged".

But I'm not surprised either. I was wondering how long it would take before some police agency took information out of context, decided a legitimate gun owner was dangerous and pulled a raid. At least there was no shooting involved in this one.

I dare say that had this been a major metro city like LA, Chicago or Philly, it's much more likely that the raid would have involved an immediate dynamic entry and a high potential for a shooting.

Yet another good example of why police need much more oversight in the use of SWAT teams. I'll eagerly await some enlightenment from the LEO side too.
That's just ridiculous. Whatever LEO's hatched the idea to conduct that circus need to be fired and arrested themselves. He should sue them into bankruptcy (both institutionally and personally) as well as file a federal criminal complaint for the laws which were broken.
What a shame I opened this thread and got momentarily sucked into another redundant "cops gone wild" incident. Beautiful day outside.
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Zeezee, read the link that pax kindly provided.

If you wish to talk about this event, then you need to provide something more than a mere cut-n-paste and a link to the article.

Closed as a drive-by.
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