Oregon Shooter Changes Plea


New member
Fifty rounds fired in 90 seconds. What kind of gun did he use? I thought it was a Ruger 10/22 with hi-cap mags, but I may be wrong.

Oregon school shooter who killed 4 takes plea deal Published in the Asbury Park Press 9/25/99 -- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
EUGENE, Ore. -- Kip Kinkel, the meek-looking teen-ager who killed his parents and gunned down two classmates at school, abandoned an insanity defense yesterday and pleaded guilty to murder in a deal that could someday let him walk free.
The plea bargain came three days before Kinkel was to go on trial in the May 21, 1998, attack at Thurston High School in Springfield, Ore. -- the third in a string of school shootings that included Pearl, Miss.; Paducah, Ky.; Jonesboro, Ark., and Littleton, Colo.
Kinkel could get as little as 25 years, meaning he could be free by age 42. If he had been convicted as charged, he could have faced life in prison without parole. No sentencing date was set.
"My mind is clear and I am not sick," read the text of the plea agreement. Kinkel, 17, sat slumped in a chair in court and never lifted his head as he read each paragraph silently and initialed it "KK."
He pleaded guilty to four counts of murder and 26 of attempted murder.
In addition to the 25 years for the murders, prosecutors have recommended 7 1/2 years for each attempted murder count for the 25 students he wounded and a detective he attacked with a knife. The judge will decide whether those sentences will be tacked onto the end of the 25-year sentence.
District Attorney Doug Harcleroad called the deal "the best thing for the community" and refused to comment further. He noted that survivors of the attack will get a chance to speak before Kinkel is sentenced.
Because Kinkel was 15 at the time of the slayings, he could not have faced the death penalty.
His lawyers had hoped to spare him a life sentence by proving he was mentally disturbed. If they had succeeded, Kinkel would have been confined to a mental hospital until he was no longer deemed a danger to society.
Kinkel told investigators he had "no choice" but to kill because he had embarrassed his parents by getting expelled for having a gun in his locker.
"I had to be 100 percent," Kinkel told a psychiatrist. "No one is perfect though. Lots of times, life sucked. With my parents, if I didn't do the best, I was an embarrassment to my parents."
Kinkel shot his parents in their home. The following morning, he dressed in a trench coat, walked into the cafeteria just before classes and opened fire with a semiautomatic rifle. He squeezed off 50 rounds in 90 seconds, killing Ben Walker, 16, and Mikael Nickolauson, 17.
Several classmates tackled Kinkel as he tried to reload. Later, in a jail interview room, Kinkel lunged at a detective with a knife that had been taped to his leg and begged police to kill him.
Kinkel had managed to convince his parents' friends that he was a good kid. But classmates knew he had bragged about building bombs and torturing animals and voted him Most Likely to Start World War III. Desperate to control his son, Kinkel's father tried counseling and Prozac and even tried to get his son into a National Guard-run program for troubled youth.
At Thurston High yesterday, principal Larry Bentz came over the loudspeaker and announced the plea bargain.
"We were all like, 'Shut up,' " said Bekah Snare, 17. "We don't want to hear about it anymore."
"I'd kind of like to know exactly why he did it," said Tony Case, who was shot in the back and leg. "We're never going to find out."
© copyright 1999 The Associated Press

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Hmmm, hold this one up against the COlumbine High one, and what can you say? It's still the kid's responsibility. Sounds to me like dad in this instance was attempting to actually parent his kid (not know all the facts) and in Colorado, it sounded to me like they couldn't care less ...

The only thing in common was "drug therapy" of the kid. Maybe we should take a closer look at these drugs and thier side effects?
Poor little Kip....he "had to kill cuz he's an embarrassment"...more likely he didn't want to put up with Dad being upset....so he kills four people.

They should hang that selfish spoiled little worm

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
What DC said, I agree. Hang his skinny ass.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Criminals are best executed by those they would victimize.

An armed society doesn't have many mass murders.

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight
It still looks like somebody oughta be following the number of violent kids who are on behavior modifying drugs, and studying whether such a disturbed kid needs a higher dosage or none at all. Doesn't seem to be being addressed.

Why address it, I guess. Let's just outlaw everybody's guns. MUCH easier. NOT!