Oregon Residents! Anti Gun Laws Introduced!Please Get Involved!!!!


New member
Lots of crap coming down the pipeline, my fellow Oregonians.
Ginny Burdick wants us to be more like CA, no, worse than CA.
See here:


Here's the text:
Oregon Firearms Federation
PO Box 556
Canby, OR 97013

(503) 263-5830

OFF ALERT 2/22/05

Some of the many Ginny Burdick anti-gun bills we have been waiting for have finally been introduced.

Included in them are the long anticipated "assault weapons" bill and others that seek to attack your rights to own and use firearms.
Burdick's promised "assault weapon" ban is SB 927.

(Ginny Burdick Phone: 503-986-1718 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-317, Salem, OR, 97301 Email.)

SB 927 can be viewed here.

It is a massive list of banned guns. It also outlaws magazines larger than ten rounds and requires a police issued "permit" to continue to possess the semi-auto rifles and shot guns you already own and bans "transfer" of the listed firearms even to your children. Others new anti- gun bills are listed below:

(Note: All these bills are available in either HTML or PDF format here.)

SB 942
This is a "lock up your guns law" and makes it a crime to have your self defense firearms accessible to anyone under 16. It was a similar law in California that caused the pitchfork murders of the Carpenter children a few years ago. Now Burdick would like to see your children equally defenseless.

SB 956
This is another "no self defense in school bill" very similar to SB 335 which was heard at the Multnomah County Court House to make the hearing as inaccessible as possible to gun owners.

SB 957
This bill ends our pre-emption law and allows any locality to restrict concealed carry any way they want.

SB 954 Increase fees for gun purchase background checks and handgun license fingerprints.

SB 960
This bill adds "domestic violence" convictions to the list of reasons you may not obtain a concealed handgun license.

In addition, Senate Bill 793 was introduced at our request.

This bill relieves active duty military of the ridiculous burden of renewing handgun licenses in person, while they are deployed away from home.

I am so sick of this crap. Part of the reason I came here was to get away from this.
Well, time for some letters to get written. I guess Iknow what I'm doing today.
Oregon proposed Gun Control Bills:

Since it seems like the anti's are taking the AWB to state levels, as mentioned in NY, I would like to update all Oregonians about what is being proposed here. This information comes from OFF (Oregon Firearms Federation):

Oregon Firearms Federation
P.O. Box 556
Canby, OR

Voice: (503) 263-5830


OFF ALERT 2/22/05


Some of the many Ginny Burdick anti-gun bills we have been waiting for
have finally been introduced.

Included in them are the long anticipated "assault weapons" bill and
others that seek to attack your rights to own and use firearms.

Burdick's promised "assault weapon" ban is SB 927.

(Ginny Burdick Phone: 503-986-1718 Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE.,
S-317, Salem, OR, 97301 Email: <sen.ginnyburdick@state.or.us>

SB 927 can be viewed here

It is a massive list of banned guns. It also outlaws magazines larger
than ten rounds and requires a police issued "permit" to continue to
possess the semi-auto rifles and shot guns you already own and bans
"transfer" of the listed firearms even to your children. Others new
anti- gun bills are listed below:

(Note: All these bills are available in either HTML or PDF format at
the following link:

SB 942
This is a "lock up your guns law" and makes it a crime to have your
self defense firearms accessible to anyone under 16. It was a similar
law in California that caused the pitchfork murders of the Carpenter
children a few years ago. Now Burdick would like to see your children
equally defenseless.

SB 956
This is another "no self defense in school bill" very similar to SB
335 which was heard at the Multnomah County Court House to make the
hearing as inaccessible as possible to gun owners.

SB 957
This bill ends our pre-emption law and allows any locality to restrict
concealed carry any way they want.

SB 960
This bill adds "domestic violence" convictions to the list of reasons
you may not obtain a concealed handgun license.

In addition, Senate Bill 793 was introduced at our request. This bill
relieves active duty military of the ridiculous burden of renewing
handgun licenses in person, while they are deployed away from home.

Clearly, members of the military who are deployed far from home should
not lose their handgun licenses just because they cannot get to a
sheriff's office to renew in person. But that's what's happening now.

In fact, some have been told they cannot renew because they don't
"live" in Oregon, even though the reason they "don't live in Oregon" is
because the US Government has deployed them elsewhere, like Iraq.

We consider this an outrage and are pleased that Senator Gary George
has introduced this bill in the Senate for us. Representative Brian
Boquist has sponsored the same bill in the House and we expect to see
that in bill form soon.

This would be a good time to contact Senate President Peter Courtney
and express your feelings about the unconscionable waste of time
Burdick's bills represent. Courtney is the man who is ultimately
responsible for whether or not these attacks on law-abiding gun owners
move forward. <sen.petercourtney@state.or.us> 503-986-1600

Sample text is below, you may cut and paste it into an e-mail message.
Feel free to modify to suit your personal feelings.


Dear Senator Courtney,

With all the issues facing Oregon, it is an outrageous waste of
taxpayers' time and money to be introducing bills that attack
law-abiding gun owners.

I strongly urge you to use your power as Senate President to end this
squandering of public funds and good will and put a stop to ridiculous
bills like SB 927, 942 and 957.

It is clear that Senator Burdick has little interest in any issue other
than depriving gun owners of their rights. I expect better from you.

Please get back to the important business you were elected to deal with
and stop wasting time with assaults on people who obey the law.

Very truly yours,

**All credit goes to OFF for all content above. Reprinted with permission so the word can be spread.

I didn't see your post before I posted. Would you mind if the admins or mods merged our posts? Mine has working hyperlinks and includes the sample letter.

If they are able, to cut and paste my quoteing of the original message and then paste it in your post?

I'm usually better at trying to search if the post had already been made but missed this one (and it was right in front of my eyes :eek: )
When I called and ASKED who introduced the bill, the Senators assistant refused to answer the question four times and then hung up on me.

Thought you might like to know that.

Nothing PISSES ME OFF MORE THAN ARROGANT public employees.

Guerilla tactics have begun. I will TIE UP HER PHONE LINE AND FILL UP HER VOICE MAIL so that NO one else can contact her. Arrogant @$^&*%!

Nice to meet a fellow Oregonian.

Yes, Ginny Burdicks staff as well as some others are very arrogant when it comes to the people that don't agree with them.

If it wasn't for Portland and Eugene, all the dems in this state (with maybe the exception of DeFazio) would be hard pressed to maintain office.

So my solution (never bring up a problem if you don't have a solution :p ) is for Washington State to annex the city of Portland :D

(my apologizes in advanced to our Washington State members ;) )
Ginny Burdick doesn't care what you think...

...she only cares about making enough publicity to get the vote out and get re-elected. If it weren't for politics, she'd be working the late shift at Starbucks somewhere. She and her ilk are trying to make Oregon more "European" (read Socialist)
I thought this appropriate...

Signing the Declaration of Independence was a dangerous act. To call the King of England a tyrant—especially in such a public and eloquent way—was high treason, punishable by death. Although the signers of the Declaration of Independence had different reasons for doing so, were very different individuals, and had radically different political points of view, the executioner's rope could be equally effective for one and all. John Hancock was bold. He signed his name first and large. "There," he said; "King George should be able to read that without his spectacles." When Benjamin Franklin signed, he was expected to say something witty, pithy, and to the point; he was, after all, the greatest aphorist of his day. Franklin did not disappoint. "We must all hang together," he said, "or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."
I don't know or care who first posted this alert cause we are all working towards the sme goals.

I have some links for those who wish to advocate for our rights at,


What ever you do, just don't sit on the sidelines. I don't care what you prefer to shoot, they are just working their way down the ladder.

If a semi-auto rifle is against the law, how long before a semi-auto shotgun, or all semi-auto handguns?

It is your right too, even if you don't choose to exercise it right now....

Hey USP,

You're right, but Seattle gives us enough liberals and anti's already. Why not give Portland and Eugene to Cali? :D