oregon conceal carry laws

I would start with this link: http://handgunlaw.us/states/oregon.pdf

couple of places on my list are
>the post office
>any federal building (such as a forest ranger station).
>sheriffs office and courthouses
>all Indian reservations

The post office I hear is debatable... but I'm not going to be the test case.

What I need to research more is places like the Capitol building I hear you can carry but I'm not certain.
Oh I'm familiar with it... like I said I don't want to be a test case especially for places I never visit.
Doesnt the law clearly state that chl holders are exempt from those restrictions?
my list is anecdotal.. but yes the law states chl holders are exempt.

Reality is there are very few places with an Oregon CHL you cannot carry. My list is more of the places that I'd rather not challenge and not really worth my time.
State law exemptions will not apply to any restricted federal property. Which includes post offices and parking lots (at least at the current time although the latter is being challenged), courthouses, the social security office, every federal law enforcement agency, and BLM land (which is also being challenged, with two diametrically opposed federal trial court decisions). The federal structure is so vast there are probably more. But federal forest lands (as opposed federal parks) allow weapons open or concealed.
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