Ore. teacher wants permission to carry gun in school WITH POLL


New member

01:51 PM MDT on Monday, September 10, 2007

Associated Press

MEDFORD, Ore. -- A high school teacher in southern Oregon plans to challenge a school district policy that prevents her from carrying a gun on school grounds.

Portland lawyer Jim Leuenberger said in an e-mail message to the Mail Tribune newspaper that he will ask a Jackson County judge to declare the Medford School District's policy "illegal and void" for holders of concealed handgun licenses.

"There is a state statute that prohibits local governments -- including school boards -- from restricting possession of firearms by concealed firearm permit holders," Leuenberger said.

Leuenberger said the teacher wishes to remain anonymous and he will list her name as "Jane Doe" in the complaint. When contacted by the Mail Tribune, the teacher said she wants anonymity because she fears for her and her daughter's safety.

Leuenberger said the woman has divorced her husband and obtained a restraining order against him.

The woman contacted the lawyer and the Oregon Firearms Federation after school officials approached her about rumors that she was carrying a weapon. Schools attorney Tim Gerking said the teacher denied the accusation, but officials reminded her about the district policy.

"It's our responsibility to provide a safe learning environment for our students and a safe working environment for our employees," Gerking said in an interview late last week. "We feel that would not be fostered by allowing folks, whether they have the authority or not, to bring weapons onto campus, in particular firearms -- loaded firearms."

Kevin Starrett, executive director of the firearms federation, said he had been looking for a case like this one so he could challenge schools' prohibition of firearms.

"We were approached by the individual because she had been threatened by the school district," Starrett said. "It was just a perfect opportunity for us to get some judicial resolution to this."

Though the Medford teacher wants the gun to protect herself from an ex-husband, Starrett said armed teachers could prevent school shootings.

"I worry about people being gunned down like dogs because they've been denied the right to have their self-defense firearm," Starrett said.

But School Board Chairman Mike Moran, a retired lieutenant with the Medford Police Department, said he's worried that the firearm could fall into the hands of a student.

"Even if it's a totally legitimate person with a legitimate permit, can you adequately guarantee that it will not fall into the hands of a student?" Moran asked. "You can't."
If I remember my CCW class correctly, gun possession on school (K-12) property including a radius AROUND the school is Federal not State. I may be incorrect but I don't think so. I'll research more when I get back home.
Her daughter will be so thrilled to send a letter to the gun grabbers for caring about their safety when her mom gets attacked. I hope she prosecutes them and the whole school board as accomplices in that event.
"Even if it's a totally legitimate person with a legitimate permit, can you adequately guarantee that it will not fall into the hands of a student?" Moran asked. "You can't."

Can you 'adequately guarantee' that a weapon carried by a LEO on school grounds will not fall into the hands of a student? No, you cannot. Therefore, we should not allow them on campus either. (Just following that absurd logic to it's conclusion)
Ahhh but the State Constitution expressly prohibits cities and other municipalities to pass ordinance prohibiting CCW... This includes School districts etc... The district can pass such a rule but it is completely without any teeth, as long as you don't mind being that one person that decides to fight for your constitutional right... This however does not apply to private property.. They can post no CCW signs that can legally be ignored, unless you are asked to leave in which case if you refuse you can and more than likely will be charged with Armed Tresspass.
gun possession on school (K-12) property including a radius AROUND the school is Federal not State.

You're thinking of the Gun Free School Zones Act. CCW permit holders are exempt. Some dated info here, http://www.gunowners.org/fs9611.htm.

Quite a few state laws address this issue directly, so check your state. In NV, all firearms are completely unlawful on any school owned property. Illegal on persons and in cars, loaded or unloaded. :(
I was an instructor at a state college for a while, I had a particularly ugly run in with a student (only problem I had with any of my students). He told me he was "gonna pop a cap in my @@@". I reported the incident, he was expelled and had an order barring him from the school campus indefinitely.

I requested that same permission from the local campus police, HR, and the President himself and was emphatically denied despite CHL status, they offered me an armed escort to and from my car but what good did that do me if the guy was somewhere else? The state's policy was no weapons anywhere on campus for employees, parking lot included in that rule. Luckily nothing happened but I'm not there anymore...