Ordering A Rifle


New member
As you may or may not know, on Sept 24th, I ordered a VEPR II .308 from Robinson Armament, with the intention of having it converted to M14 magazines by Kreb's Custom. The dealer told me it'd be four to six weeks.

More than a month later, the dealer calls RobArm and asks where my rifle is. Robinson tells him they've been having troubles getting them imported, and to expect another four weeks delay.

My patience wore out. I cancelled my order with Robinson, and in turn, had the dealer order my a Type 1 Receiver STG58A FAL from Federal Arms Corporation. This is the DS Arms Authentic Austrian FAL, 21". It comes with a bipod, magazine, manual, and hard carry case, dealer price is $795.00. My dealer has a $40.00 transfer fee, plus about $15.00 for shipping, and that'll bring me to about $850.00. I've got four hundred down, and I'll pay the rest on or shortly after December 1st, when I get my next big paycheck. This way, the payment doesn't break my budget or drain my account, and I can still affrod to get my car fixed. FAC told me they had a four week expected delay on the Type 1s, so it works out perfectly.

Plus, that thousand rounds of 7.62mm I ordered from AmmoMan needn't go to waste!

W00t! :D
Sorry you had to run into friction. You would think that if there was an unusual delay, Robinson would have told your dealer as soon as the order was placed. That's what's known as a backorder and is only good, fair business. Congrats on your new purchase though. :)
My future baby.



Can't wait!

I've already ordered some accessories from DSA. Four extra Steyr 20 round magazines ($8.00 each), two double magazine pouches (leather, Austrian Army Issue, two for $5.00) and a front sight tool. Oh my, I seem to be drooling...:p