Ordered new gun for deer season...

Alabaster Jones

New member
I ordered a Raging Bull .44 Mag, blued, 6.5in barrel. Can't wait to get it in an put it through it's paces. I want to get quite familiar with it before I get in the field. May scope it, may not. OPinions are welcome. I won't be taking shot over 75yds at all.
75 yards is a long distance for accurate shot placement with an unscoped handgun. For me personally, hunting at that range unscoped would be unethical as my skills are not up to the task of assuring a clean kill.
new gun

About 17 or so years back I took a nice whitetail buck on the last day of the Maryland gun season with my S.& W. model 29(6 1/2" barrel). I shot the buck at a measured 80 yds. Iron sights. Today that would be VERY difficult for me with my eyes. If you can shoot well without a scope, why not? However, if you need one, go ahead and get a EER scope in 1.5 up to 4 power.
Good shooting.:cool:
Good choice, particularly if you handload. And the muzzle-brake system really works. Loud, though.

I have a hanging plate, some 20" square, out at 185 yards. A buddy of mine tried his R.B. on it, and had no difficulty hitting it with a very slightly higher sight picture than for 100 yards.

He's is an expert shot, and before he got the R.B., he shot at least 100 rounds a week with his .44 Maggie. I found that with 260-grain hot loads, you can indeed double-tap ala IPSC style; doesn't work with heavier bullets.

As usual, practice, practice, practice: And use light loads, so you really coordinate your sight picture and trigger pull.

:), Art
I shot a Taurus Raging Bull in .454 Casull and was favorably impressed. It was capable of the accuracy you want and was fun to shoot. I'd imagine the same gun in .44 mag will be an absolute joy!

Have fun with it. :)