Ordered my 1851 .36 Navy today and ...

Remington kid

New member
Well, You guy's convinced me so today I ordered the 51 .36, a wedge puller, an extra cylinder, a Lee melting pot with the spout, a round ball double cavity mould .454 and double .380. I'll order the conicals later.
The guy I was getting my Goex powder from is still not open and he may have closed for good. Found a place 55 miles from me that sells Pyrodex "P" so I bought two containers of that and some new bore brushes for the .44 Remington and the .36 Colt.They were out of the Remington #10 caps but I know whare I can get them.Also out of the 777 and I wanted to try some of that.
Also bought a repair kit for the 51. , Cabelas sells them but there not in there catalog. The kit includes all the springs, hand and paw and a trigger and hammer, all for $18.00. Most places charge you more than that just for a hammer! Bought a couple of repair kits from them for my Remingtons but never had to use them. All original factory parts. Should have the 51 by Friday and then I will do much work to it before I shoot it, That's what I love to do! Very fine tunning it so it runs like it's all on ball bearings,:)
Are you getting your 1851 .36 Navy from Cabelas ? I have
been thinking that I should have one too. I think that Cabelas
quality has come up a long ways from some of earlier 51 that
I used to see that had brass hands and the like in them.

I will look forward to reading your report on all of what you do.
“Very fine tunning it so it runs like it's all on ball bearings”
I like/enjoy working on my guns to make it better, more interesting,
or just plain work. What is the order # if you have it, for the repair
kit for the 51?

You going to use the extra cylinder for a cartridge conversion?

I will look forward to reading your posts.
Tinker, I spend alot of time in the woods and I like to carry an extra loaded cylinder in my cylinder pouches so I don't have to reload out there after I shoot at a monster like a giant pine cone or a snake. We have lot's of both around these mountains:) That number for the parts kit is in my shop but I will post it here for you in the morning.
Cabelas sells the Pietta revolvers and a few Uberti. Never had a bit of trouble from the Piettas but I have a friend who has had tunning problems with his Uberti's. It's like anything else, you can get a lemon or a jewel. Cabelas back's anything they sell and they have always been a pleasure to deal with and bend over backward to help with a problem.
Pietta changed all there equipment a few years ago and turn out top quality gun's now and have for a while.
I'm really not into the cartridge conversion thing but it seems to be the latest rage and people are having a lot of fun with it. Maybe some day;)

Pohill, Some people have no problem with removing the wedge and others do.
For the $4.89 it cost me I figure it's better than a hammer:)
How do you like your 51's?
Old Dragoon, Hope I get to shoot it soon! You know that I won't untel I know the gun inside out and have it running as smooth as a babys butt:D
Forgot to tell you, your package went out this morning at 10:00 am by priority mail.

Great gun (s). They're both older guns, a Pietta and a Navy Arms. I use the screwdriver end of a Walker nipple wrench to push the wedge out. If you ever need replacement parts for a new gun under a year old contact the importer, Taylors (Uberti) or Traditions (Pietta) and they'll send you whatever you need, usually at no charge. I've done it.
Pohill, My reason for buying parts kits right up front is because I do a lot of fine tunning on my revolvers and it's easy to mess up a part. This way I don't have to order it and wait for it. You can't beat the price from Cabelas. Some of these parts places really like to sock it to there customers.:(
How far are you from the PA border?

Little shop near the 2nd exit of the PA Turnpike sells Goex, 12.95 a can, + tax.

Like for them to sell enough to keep up on their hazardous fees so they keep selling it. Heck, I don't know anywhere else near me to get it.

Don't know the address, myself, but sure I can get it from my kid. Heck, since they're movin' to near me, won't even be able to drive by that shop when visitin' her to buy for myself. Have to give her some money, ask her to stop by, get me 5 cans or so.

Let me know if you want the address, I'll get it, you can do a map check to see if it's too far to travel.

All the BP stuff was cleared at my local WallyMart. 777 was 14 bucks a can. I really don't think you are going to like it. Not much smoke or smell, but at least it doesn't smell BAD like APP that has tons of stinkin' smoke.


George, Think we taked about this on another thread somewhere but i'm a couple hundred miles from PA border and at the price of gas ($2.28) it would cost me to much. Think I'll stick with the Pyrex "P" for now .
The next time I go to Akron I'll swing over to the Log Cabin shop in Lodi Ohio and get some black.It's about 20 miles out of my way.
Hey, KID, I ordered another revolver, too. It's a Uberti .36 pocket navy, which is on the same frame as the 1849 .31 pocket model. After the bad luck I had with the Palmetto 1849 I decided to shy away from anything made by them, ever! I think the little 5 shot .36 ought to be just the thing for stomping around after rabbits. Mine should be here tomorrow. While I was typing this, UPS delivered the Lee .375 round ball mould I ordered from Midway Arms so I will make some bullets this afternoon and maybe get to try mine out soon after it arrives.

I spent most of yesterday shooting and had better targets with my cast .451 balls than with swaged Speer .451 balls. I have absolutely no idea what could be going on to cause it but, hey, I'm really pleased about it. I think you'll be happy with yours after you get your casting operation going.

Steve, Kevin bought one too from Cabelas but I think he got the Uberti 31.I really like the looks of the pocket gun's and that may be my next adventure.
Have you heard anything from Kevin? Hope he's alright.
I shot my first cylinder full of sub powder today in my Remington. It was Pyrodex "P" and it worked just fine but it felt kind of sacrilegious to shoot that stuff in a Holy Black revolver :) I used 35g with a wad on top and 200g conicals with #10 Remington caps. It kicked like a mule! I really compressed it so maybe that put a little more kick in it,lol. Guess I'm no longer a substitute powder virgin!
"I think the little 5 shot .36 ought to be just the thing for stomping around after rabbits"

Bates dovetailed his and put in a high brass front sight. He's been getting some very good bench groups from 25 yards and says the same thing about the Pocket Navy being an interesting choice for rabbits.

That 200 grain conical did 967 from my Uberti 60 Colt Army. I didn't try it in the Remington but It has the habit of getting even higher velocities with a given load. Pyrodex compresses easier than black and I'm not sure I could stuff that much 3f under it.
Tinker and anyone who wants these parts numbers for the Remington and Colt parts kits from Cabelad here they are:

Remington .44 sa-214052-885

1851 Colt .36 sa-214052-884

They are both listed for $17.99 right now.
Kevin e-mailed me on Christmas Eve, haven't heard from him since then. I expect he's working a lot over the holidays. I'm sorry to hear about your loss of innocence, Mike. Next thing you'll be shooting an in-line and wearing an earring!;)

Mec, I picked the Uberti based on the dimensions given in the ad for it. I know those may or may not be accurate but they are just about all you have to go on. It is one of very few where the chamber diameter is actually shown as smaller than the groove diameter. I'm hopefully optimistic about it's potential to group. I'm expecting to have to dovetail in a taller front sight. I've got a big rabbit hunt scheduled for Jan. 7 with my brother-in-law's beagles from hell and I'd like to have it shooting to point of aim by then. I have had good luck with my 1858 Remington, made one final adjustment to the front sight after I shot this target with it yesterday. I should have it dead on now. I did have worse groups but I'm not showing them. This one was 6 shots at 25 yards, 30 grains of fffg, no wad, just lube over the balls which were cast. I shot from a bench with my wrists rested. I had better targets without a felt wad than with one, which kind of surprised me. I guess my gun just don't like them.



  • 1858 target.JPG
    1858 target.JPG
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Steve, Kevin sent me an email and he's not to happy! He didn't order his pocket gun soon enough from Cabelas and now they really raised the price on him.
Nice shooten! and I love the grips!
Ah, Yes!

congrats on this one man! Once you get a 1851 you can only get adicted to Colts! :rolleyes: They tend to reproduct themself in a collection :D
What is next on your list?
Guy's , I'm wondering if the price hike is effective now or after the first of the year. All the 1005 catalogs have the old price so I would think that if you called and ordered from that catalog number they would have to sell it for the advertised price.May be worth a phone call if you want one before the new year you may get in just under the wire.
Sometime between 6:00pm and 11:00 UPS delivered two packages and left them on the porch. Found them when I went out to turn off the Christmas lights at 11:00.
Anyway the .36 1851 Navy Pietta is beautiful! Not a mark or ding anywhere. It already feels really smooth but there are a few burrs on the works that will be delt with this morning. No scratching on the cylinder and timeing is perfect.I'll work on stoning and carding today and let you know if I find any problems.
The loading lever locks in a very sturdy and deep notch and I don't see any problems with that dropping down as some have reported on the older models and Uberti's.
After I tear it down this morning I'll let you know if I see any problems and post pictures but from what I have seen so far I'm very happy with the looks and feel of this revolver. The sight picture looks a lot better than what I had imagined.
Plom, I have two Remington .44 that I love so my next move will be a pocket model of some kind. I bought all the casting stuff too for my own bullets so I'm about taped out for a while but I can keep busy all winter:D
Looking forward to the pics. :)
Also I'm curious, what do you think of the notch sight on the hammer? Do you just not notice it when you're sighting? I've seen posts where some say it is too narrow and hard to sight through.
I'm glad your new toy looks good and I know you'll have all kinds of fun getting it worked up just perfect!