Orange County - Get your CCWs Now


New member
If you live in Orange County, CA, Sheriff Carona implemented his new CCW policies 4/1/99 as he had promised. I have turned in my application, the following are the requirements for obtaining the license as stated in the application form:

1. Residency: All applicants must prove that they are residents of the County of Orange. Non-residents will be referred to the appropriate licensing agency.

2. Good Character: Applicants must attest to a reputation of good character with respect to their ability to responsibly and safely carry and use a concealed weapon. (letters from reputable references may help in establishing good character.)

3. Good Cause: Applicants must establish that good cause exists to support the request for a permit to carry a concealed weapon. Criteria that MAY establish good cause include the following*:

a. Specific evidence that there has been or is likely to be an attempt on the part of a second party to do great bodily harm to the applicant.

b. The nature of the business or occupation of the applicant is such that it is subject to high personal risk and/or criminal attack.

c. A task of the business or occupation of the applicant requires frequent transportion of large sums of money or other valueables and alternative protective measures or security cannot be reasonably employed.

d. When a business or occupation is of a high risk nature and requires the applicant's presence in a dangerous environment and/or area.

e. The occupation or business of the applicant is such that no means of protection, security or risk avoidance, other than carrying a concealed firearm, is practical.

f. Personal protection is warranted to mitigate a threat that the applicant is able to substantiate.

*Note: These examples are not intended to be all-inclusive. They are provided for your reference.

I had applied under the reasoning that as a property manager, I need to collect rents and fees on a somewhat predictable schedule and therefore a likely target for a criminal attack. These are the documentations I have been asked to supply:

-Proof of cash transaction - Letter from the bank manager.

-3 months bank statements

-Proof of residency - Utility bills.

I'll keep the forum up to date on how everything progresses. It isn't shall issue, but in CA, this is better than most anywhere in CA.
This is VERY close to the working agreement I've got the Chief to agree to in Richmond, CA. I put in my application papers over the weekend, I got fingerprinted this morning - and in talking to the assistant Chief (Ray Howard, the main guy assigned to do candidate screening) I've got a real good chance.

I can't go into my "good cause" because my life AND that of a couple of my witnesses could be put at risk. Regardless of acceptance I'm going to try to get a court-ordered seal put on my application info, we're talkin' some HEAVY excrement here.

I've also written some notes on the "good cause" issue at my site:
(in the "documents list").

As to Sheriff Carona of Orange, the "word on the street" is that he really wants to do shall-issue but is paying at least public "lip service" to the idea of "good cause". IF that's the case, he's better than Chief Duncan of Richmond, but in both cases at least an ATTEMPT at being legal and unbiased is being made and considering what others are doing, this is a GREAT start.

In all such cases where a Sheriff or Chief is "trying to play right" all activists should try NOT to piss such people off; friendly contact and relations with Chiefs and Sheriffs is so rare they must be cultivated at all costs.

I've also heard good things about Amador County and Kings County; it's also maybe possible to get a friendly ear in SLO county, DC would be a good one to check up on that. DC: have you heard from a gent name of Walter Murdock, a long-time activist who just moved into your (SLO) County?

ANY info on other good Chiefs/Sheriffs eagerly recieved, at some point there's gonna be a list of such on my site.

Jim March

[This message has been edited by Jim March (edited April 27, 1999).]
Jim: I have pointed out before that the County Sherrif is an elected position. The Chief of Police is hired by the mayor or the council. The Sherrif answers to the voters, the Chief to those that pay his salary.


Yes I've heard from Walter and told him all I can. I haven't heard from him since. Our Sheriff Hedges had campaigned on easing up on CCW "restrictions"...i.e. make it easier to obtain. However that hasn't happened yet, allegedly it is to be dealt with soon.
My problem is that I pissed them off ( ;)) and, I don't have "good cause". As I told Walter, I'll wait for a bit and hopefully they will have forgotten me. We do have a serious problem in that our State Sen. Jack O'Connell is an unabashed liberal and very anti-gun, as well Lois Capps is our Congressperson....if Hedges does ease up, these 2 will give him no end of hassles.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Hal: Yes, and you'd think that would make the Sheriff more amenable to reason, right?

You'd be wrong. It's the CHIEFS more open to pressure.

Here's the deal: the Chief is a city employee. The city is legally liable for deliberate illegal misdeeds by the Chief. And if you have the documentation, it's NOT hard to show your city attorney that what's going on (zero issuance, elitism, blanket denial of certain classes) is illegal - Salute vs. Pitchess is the key, the text is in my documents list.

So what happened in Richmond is, somebody in the city attorney's office took one look at my case, saw it was a total disaster from their point of view and told the Chief in no uncertain terms that reforms HAD to be made. And had the Chief insisted on illegal policies that opened the city up to lawsuit vulnerability, they'd have fired his posterior.

Get it now? Sheriffs are independent legal entities from their county gov'ts so *nobody* can force them to straighten up and make it stick.

HOWEVER, in my specific case a Lt. name of Willitt was assigned the "initial CCW contact role" and he made illegal statements without referencing the Sheriff, and he did it in writing and signed it. My view is, he personally screwed up too, therefore the county is also liable. He took an oath to uphold and defend the law, he blew it. AND it's the County that pays the legal bills for the Sheriff's defense. I'm trying to convince the county that the Sheriff is refusing a fair settlement - as in, no cash, all he's gotta do is agree in writing to shall-issue. If he turns it down, I'm going to try to get the county to withdraw funding for his legal bills, leave him forced to pay for his suit defense personally. If THAT happens we immediately flood his butt with copycat suits, drain the SOB dry.

Guys, lemme 'splain something here: TRACK THE MONEY. OK? Public pressure is fine, political clout is cool, but it's the MONEY links that will be at the core of everything AND it's how you pressure the barsterds.

In 1968, San Mateo County put in a plan to build a landfill dump right in the middle of "Devil's Slide" on the 101, one of the most fabulously scenic sections of coastal CA you can imagine, between Half Moon Bay and Pacifica. A local resident was aghast, as were many others, but rather than join in the general noisemaking down at City Hall, letters to the editor of local papers, etc, that resident spent time at the local Records office, and after extensive digging found the financial and personal links between two members of the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors and the development company planning the dump.

He went down to the Board of Supes meeting and laid it all out...the plan was dead within days.

His name was March, David March, my father. That was one of several local environmental activist actions he got involved in and was key to winning...and he talked about those days as I was growing up.

I was RAISED on this sh!#.

FIND THE MONEY. Look for the links between how they're screwing up and cold hard cash; odds are, you'll find it.

Thanks, pop, RIP. You taught me good.

Jim March