Oprah will not talk to Sarah Palin

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Isn't Oprah supposed to be a champion for women?

Isn't Sarah Palin a woman? Isn't Sarah Palin the first woman to be
nominated to be a Republican Vice President?

This just shows that Oprah is Democrat first and woman second. To her,
a Republican woman may as well be a man. And most of the media seem
to share this view of a Republican woman. A Republican inny is an outie to

It turns out that Democrats are Sexist! After all this time, the masks have
come off, and under them are hoods made out of bed-sheets.

If McCain were black, the Democrats would tell him to go back to the plantation.


Isn't Oprah supposed to be a champion for women?

Sure, as long as they believe the same things as her. Its like they said on the news... "The womens movement only supports liberal women". Which is why they support a Democrat like Hillary and not Sarah Palin.
Here is the splitting hairs answer Oprah is giving.

She is saying that when Obama was on her show he was not a candidate. True. But you could call Oprah's "I have seen the one" stage introduction show as just part of her national show. It was just a different location. But with that said, it is of course obvious who she supports, she has said so herself. So, she is probably not going to give Palin prime time exposure.

Dosen't look like Palin needs much help anyway.


Sa-rah! Pa-lin!" came the chant at a Colorado Springs rally on Saturday moments before Republican nominee John McCain took the stage with Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, a woman who was virtually unknown to the nation just a week earlier. The day before, thousands screamed "Sa-rah! Sa-rah! Sa-rah!" at an amphitheater outside Detroit.

"Real change with a real woman," read one sign at a Wisconsin rally. "Hurricane Sarah leaves liberals spinning," cried another.
And this:


Oprah has every right to have fund raisers to support who she wants. The only issue I have is that in the past she has had political discussions on her show. Sometimes by way of having people on her show that wrote books. Like books that were critical of Bush. Again, that's fair. But just don't say you won't have Palin on because you have now suddenly become neutral about politics.

I will give one more reason, maybe the real reason. If she has Palin on then she should give time to Obama, but she does not want to be seen with Obama during the campaign. Oprah is not a dumb person.
While I respect Oprah's statement about her decision not to make her show a platform for the candidates, I also think she should have thought long and hard about the potential pitfalls of having political figures on her show in general (I'm pretty darn sure she was in support of him much prior...especially after his new book came out). And according to her interview with BO in 2006, running for POTUS was already on the table. In this interview there are references that she already had her mind made up as to who she would be supporting. It is with that information I feel comfortable saying, "Oprah, you're full of it and you should be interviewing Palin. You used your stage as a political platform long before Palin ever entered the picture".

At the time of interview BO was NOT a Presidential candidate yet. HOWEVER, sides were chosen on the possibility that he would be.

From pg14:

In an interview on CNN's Larry King Live, Oprah encouraged people to support Barack Obama in a presidential run because she feels he can make a difference. "I know I don't just speak for myself," Oprah says. "There are a lot of people who would want you to run for the presidency of the United States."

So would Senator Obama consider running for president in 2008?

"You know, there's a wonderful saying that…the most important office in a democracy is the office of citizen," he says. "We have an election coming up in '06 that is going to determine who's in power in Congress…and that's what I'm spending all my energy [on] … to make sure that people are paying attention to this election."

Oprah has one more question for Senator Obama. "If you ever would decide to run within the next five years…would you announce on this show?" she asks.

"I don't think I could say no to you," Senator Obama says. "Oprah, you're my girl."

Here is the link: http://www.oprah.com/slideshow/oprahshow/oprahshow1_ss_20061018/1

There are 16 mini-pages of transcript and the first are pleasantries and small talk, some family history. The political bits start around pg 13 and go on from there.

No, I don't watch that Oprah and frankly I don't like her very much either.

Other relevant junk:

He's the up-and-coming U.S. senator who has everyone talking—Barack Obama! Gayle talks to Senator Obama and his wife, Michelle, about his political aspirations, new book and family life.

Just last month on Larry King Live, Oprah said she would support a presidential bid by Senator Obama. "I was flattered," Senator Obama says of the endorsement. "When somebody …pays you some attention and says nice things about you, it makes you feel good. And it tells you that maybe you're doing something right and that hopefully your service to the country is making a contribution." But Senator Obama says his primary focus right now is to campaign for the November elections. In addition, he says, he'll be busy on tour for his newest book, The Audacity of Hope. "Between those two things, and then paying a little attention to my wife and children, that's got me pretty full," he says.
Oprah supports Obama. Sarah Palin is trying to keep him out of the Presidency. If McCain were defeated in November, Oprah would probably condescend to host Palin after that. But if McCain is elected, Palin will not be forgiven for helping him.

Why Palin should want to be on Oprah's show is another question.
I haven't heard from Palin either way whether or not she'd want to go on Oprah. I wondered about that earlier what she must be saying or at least thinking. She can't comment anything unless its on a friendly and uncombative note about it because if she does, and it sounds bad, she runs the risk of Oprah supporters who were undecided. Oprah is also in the same boat, she's running the risk of upsetting her loyal supporters who are undecided and want to see Palin interviewed.

Oh well, Oprah dug her own hole. I would think Palin is smart enough not to get into anything that looks like a cat fight.
Isn't Oprah supposed to be a champion for women?

Yes, and I do think she is. But somethings trump others, and her support for Obama trumps supporting a woman. Again, that part is her right.

Another truth. Polls will change between now an November, but it is simply fact that Obama is going to get 95% or so of the African American vote. There is not going to be clubs named African American Women for Palin. Again, their right, but thats just the real world.
It just seems that Democrats are Democrats first and everything else
not-first (woman, man, American, ...)

The Democratic ticket has just the one star. Obama visits the battleground
states and the big cities. Nobody is really excited to see Joe Biden.

The Republican ticket has two stars. The two of them can split up and cover
a lot more ground.

Two against one with polls deadlocked. Do you believe in miracles?
Oprah may be trying to keep her show non political, probably not wanting to alienate any of her audience, or sponsors for that matter. She certainly is not trying to be personally non political. Saw her on one of the evening entertainment shows tonight telling how she hard cried at the convention when Obama was nominated. She's been a very big factor in his 'ascension'.
The only thing she should be asking is "Does it make good television?"

I think she's making a mistake by not having SP on her show (she could do that and still endorse BO.) But she's rich and I'm not, so what do I know.
Two against one with polls deadlocked. Do you believe in miracles?

It has been true in recent history that Dem's do not do as well as shown in the polls. I am not sure why. Maybe Biased polling, or the sampling never really gets middle America...not sure.

Can I add this. Maybe not thread jacking...just bending.:)

Hillary appears to be limiting critical statements about Palin. I guess she is afraid of it backfiring?

NEW YORK - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton marched for labor and stumped with Democrats on Saturday, but sidestepped questions about the woman who has taken her place as the nation's most-talked-about female leader.

Clinton brushed aside questions about Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin during appearances at New York City's annual Labor Day parade and later during a stop on Staten Island.

Wait. I will connect. Has Hillary ever been on Oprah?
Isn't Oprah supposed to be a champion for women?

Only if they are liberal.

The Republican ticket has two stars.

No, it has only one star... Sarah Palin. Do you think that people at the rally's want to see McCain or Palin? Palin of course, the only conservative on the ticket.
Hillary appears to be limiting critical statements about Palin. I guess she is afraid of it backfiring?

Hillary is running for office and anything she says about Palin can and will be used against her in 2012.
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