Opportunity Knocks for TFL Members: Wilderness Survival

Well, as some of you know, the business that I had been trying to start up has not materialized. The results are that this child is bored. Harry Humphries has come to the rescue by inviting me to a course in Wisconsin next week. There, I'll get to rappel, kick down doors, shoot carbine and handgun and do some simunitions with LEO types....gotta love bein' me! :)

But then what? I posted yesterday about Wilderness Survival Courses and haven't received much input. So I've taken the bull by the horns and set it up myself.

Here's the deal. 7 day wilderness survival course during the month of November. Total cost is $8750 for up to 10 people. TFL is willing to subsidize this course. I'd prefer to keep it to 6-8 persons (cost per person $1100-$1460 depending on group size). First spots will go to interested Staff as we owe them big-time.

Anyone interested, please contact me by email with the following information:
- Why you'd want to come
- How much you're willing to pay
- What prior experience in wilderness survival you've had
- Age (aproximate)
- Physical condition (approximate)
- A promise that, if not selected, you'll accept our decision and wish us luck.

If I get enough victims, er volunteers, I will book the course. If we have an oversubscription, tough decisions will have to be made on this end.

Additional information:
This will be a customized course offered by Anew. Their website is at http://www.ssurvival.com/ The course will focus on fire, shelter, water, navigation, trapping, skinning, tanning, fishing and the like.

All US Air Force Survival program grads.

Just east of Portland, Oregon
Day 1: Private 10 acre area.
Days 2-7: 100,000 acres of National Forest

Why November?
Because it's their toughest season. Complete with freezing nights and chilly/wet/snowy days. Face it guys, you don't want to learn survival training on the French Riviera in September. If you can do the Pac NW in November, you've really accomplished something.

These guys pack a lot of gear and have everything available on loan. Their theory is to teach you to use it all, but they will deprive us of key elements from time to time, in order to teach primitive skills also. Gear list is available in Adobe format by downloading their registration info.

I also looked into Ron Hood's program. It's a bit more militaristic/survivalist oriented. I like these guys better...they're hardly bunny huggers in their own right. So who's in?

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited October 12, 1999).]
I spent a winter in the woods at Ft Lewis and its not bad. Just wet and cold and wet and wet. Did I say it's wet?

Better days to be,

I'd love to take a class like this, only problem is I need about 4-6 months notice so I can project time off and save up the funds. Right now their is no way I can get of from work anytime before March.
I will know if I can get away in early November. Is this in Wisconsin? Where at? I lived 2 years up there and IT GETS COLD up north!

If I can get away for a week - count me in!

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
Location: Just east of Portland, Oregon.

If we can put this together, it'll be the third week in November, most likely. Again, if Members can't afford the full freight, TFL is willing to subsidize the costs.

Thanks for the extremely kind offer. Unfortunately, my sister is getting married in Nov, so I don't have the time free. It would be great to have a TFL training get-together in GA. As one can see from a recent thread, there are a decent group in the area. Bud's dojo is here if one wanted to schedule some hand-to-hand training, and I know some folks (i.e. Edmund Rowe/Bill Stringer) who have hosted Jim Crews for serious firearms study...
Ouch. Thats a whole lot of money. I took a outdoor survival class at ASU. The Instructor for this class is one of the best trainers of military and LE agencies in this area. He trains for all conditions including desert, alpine, ocean, jungle. The class I took was every wed. night for a semester. This includes 2 weekends of practical learning experience in the mountains. You get a sleeping bag, clothes and your food. We learned how to get along without having to bring all of that stuff though.

[This message has been edited by mleaky (edited October 13, 1999).]
I won't be able to do it but, well, if you guys have to eat bugs, get pictures for the rest of us! :)

I could do with a vacation somewhere warm and dry like Oregon, ;) but, alas, my finances don't permit it.

Thanks for the generour offer, Rich.

I just spent my summer vacation there... the Mt. Hood area is georgeous! My wife used to snow camp up there...

But I have to finish this degree of mine, and I can't afford to miss a whole week of classes! I can't afford to continue being the "Perpetual Senior!" *Damn!* :( You're sure it won't be in late December? :)

Rich, next time you get bored, call me first, 'kay? :D ;)

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

Excuses, excuses, excuses. ;)

Are we not Men? (and Women)
I wanna do this thing. So far, the only bites I've had are Mykl, 4V50Gary and a maybe Thaddeus.

Again the training will be in the Portland, Oregon area. The cost is about the same as going to one of the finer shooting schools in the country for 5 days. We'll have two qualified instructors along. And TFL will subsidize the cost if you can't afford the full freight.

I know that time off is a problem for everyone. Get over it!!! :)
Oh man Oh man - this sounds like way cool fun!
I will try to get my Ducks to "fall in" in time.

Can we bring our favorite rifle?

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited October 14, 1999).]
You guys go ahead and do Oregon, I want to hear more about the survival training course on the French Riviera! Excuse moi. Vous ette tres belle. Need to make it during the summer when it is sunny. Have you seen the suits they don't wear over there ;)
Hi Rich,

Great to see your sight and forum.

To run a trip during the 3rd week in November, I'll need to know by 25Oct99. We can do it for 1 to 10 people. There is no doubt the experience will be one of learning and self-dicovery. Read what a recent student wrote when he heard about a potential trip in November (posted on Ron Hood's Forum):

"I will NOT be one of those to attend the November course, but let me say
that I highly recommend Greg's course. Whereas other courses use the
"impact" portion of their course to bring everyone "down" to a common level,
and throughout the course attempt to have you prove to yourself that you
have what it takes to survive, Greg and his staff attempt (and succeed) at
bringing everyone "up" to a common skill level, and then provide the
opportunities to apply those skills throughout the in-field portion of the
course. I am the Vice President of Curriculum and Instruction for a software
training company, and I was very impressed not only with Greg's survival
knowledge but also with his teaching skills. Other courses will teach a few
skills, but they almost seem like an afterthought. It is clear to the
observant student that Greg has well defined learning objectives and a plan
for meeting those objectives. I think I know what I am talking about, as I
was once a student and later an instructor for one of those other programs.
Take Greg's course: you will not be disappointed." - Bill Qualls

I look forward to hearing from you and your team and hope to see you for ANEW adventure soon.



Well, we'll have to try again another time. The Rendezvous crowd should be interested, but we don't have many (if any) of them here at TFL.


Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I would've loved to go, but working in IS means no vacation until after the smoke clears.

If this happens again in the spring, I'm definitely there.

Dear Feds:
You can't have them. Stop trying to take them.

ps: BITE ME!