Opponent for Rep. Bonior?

Brett Bellmore

New member
State Senator David Jaye www.jaye.org is looking into a run against my personal pain in the neck, attack Yorkie Rep. Bonior. (Thanks to Rush Limbaugh for the perfect description of this clown!) I think THIS guy has a real chance of finally retiring Bonior; His state Senate district largely overlaps Bonior's House district, and Jaye polls far better in it than Bonior does.

Jaye's position on gun control is several shades better than the NRA's, and best of all, Jaye has absolutely NO inhibitions about expressing his views on ANYTHING. So the least we'd get out of his run would be some VERY entertaining debates. Ideally, we'd be rid of one of the more fanatical anti-gunners in the House.

Check out Jaye's page, and if you like him, drop him a note urging him to run. I am!

Sic semper tyranus!
I also live in David Bonior's district. I think Jay has a chance. It would be good to see the Yorkie get squashed.
Brett and Fred, I have a big problem with Bonior as well, and I live in WI. We have the same problems with our 2 socialist senators, Kohl and Feingold. In the last election Mark Neuman ran against Feingold and carried 69 out of 72 counties. Feingold beat him narrowly by securing the liberal meccas of Milwaukee and Dane (Madison) counties and one other. So outside of these small liberal highly populated areas the rest of our state has no representation in the Senate.

Chainsaw: Yes, I followed that election; I thought Neuman made a BIG mistake not playing up his pro-gun position, when you consider that that ballot intitiative to add RKBA language to your state constitution passed about 74% to 26%! (And some people try to pretend that being pro-gun is a DISadvantage at the polls!)

Sic semper tyranus!