Opperation T-A-R-G-E-T


New member
Opperation TARGET is "a new anti gun project introduced in Western PA today by Janet Reno," according to the Pittsburgh, PA local NBC affiliate.

The only information that they gave was:
1) It is "anti-gun".
2) Federal dollars for getting guns out of the hands of kids and others who they said should not have them.
3) Need to determine how to best accomplish this goal.
4) It is a good thing. According to her and NBC.
Sorry that I don't remember what the accronym stands for.
They started out with probably 1 & 1/2 minutes worth of worthless emmotional interviews with young people, in order to prime the pump and get the viewers in the right frame of "mind"/emmotion. They then went on to give absolutely NO details. Only that it is good and a good place, (Western PA/Alligheny Co I believe), to start such a program for the rest of the country to follow.
Question: Does anyone have the details? Is Mizzzz Reno ready to take our guns and fire up the showers and furnaces yet?

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited October 13, 1999).]
They were trying to fire this thing up in Ft. Worth after the church shooting-- as I recall, it is, on the face of it, an increase in pressure on the gun laws that already exist. I was a little alarmed, but not very--- in Ft. Worth, at least, no one's screaming to disarm the populace, and the Op. Target didn't officially set out to do that.

Dunno about any new manifestations...


Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

NRA NEWS RELEASE - Oct 13, 1999

NRA Praises Pennsylvania Effort to Prosecute Violent, Armed Criminals

LaPierre says Pennsylvania's "Operation Hardtime" has full support of 3
million NRA members, urges Clinton-Gore to join NRA's call for $50 million
to enforce laws nationwide

(HARRISBURG, PA) -- Pennsylvania became the fifth state in the nation to
announce an aggressive effort to enforce current laws and prosecute
violent criminals with guns, drawing praise today from the National Rifle
Association, which has been lobbying Congress and challenging the White
House to appropriate $50 million to implement a similar effort in major
cities nationwide.

"While federal prosecutions of gun crimes have dropped by 44 percent
during the Clinton-Gore Administration, Pennsylvania has today become the
fifth state in the country to launch an aggressive effort to enforce
existing laws and prosecute armed criminals," said Wayne LaPierre, NRA's
executive vice president and chief executive officer. "Prosecution is
prevention. Removing violent felons with guns from our streets will,
indeed, make those streets safer for our children."

LaPierre told Attorney General Michael Fisher that Pennsylvania's effort
has the full support of NRA's three million members. During the last year,
the NRA has spent more than $1 million to promote Richmond, Virginia's
"Project Exile," the model for the program in Pennsylvania and other
cities around the country. And, the NRA is urging Congress to appropriate
$50 million to implement the program nationwide.

"Prosecuting criminals carrying guns should be the base line of our
efforts to cut violence in our cities," LaPierre said. "Yet, more felons
with guns were prosecuted last year in Richmond, Virginia, than in the
states of California, New York, New Jersey and Washington, D.C. --
combined. The Clinton-Gore-Reno Administration lacks the will to do what
works -- enforce the law. I commend Attorney General Fisher for displaying
greater will than that which can apparently be found in the White House."

LaPierre also praised U.S. Senators Arlen Specter and Rick Santorum, as
well as Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge for their support of tough
enforcement of existing laws. "Pennsylvanians are fortunate to have
leaders who believe in upholding the rights of law-abiding Americans,
while throwing the book at violent criminals who all too often have
escaped prosecution in the past. Today's announcement will help change
that and will help make all our streets safer."

For more information on the effectiveness of simply enforcing existing gun
laws in fighting crime, see Prosecution is Prevention.

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