Opinions wanted - which stock option for M1A?


New member
My purchase of an M1A draws much closer but I still can't decide between the synthetic stock or the walnut.

I'm trying to take everything into consideration: asthetics, weight, ruggedness(y2k?), and so on......

Please give a reason for your preference. Thanks a lot.


"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe
Aesthetics and ruggedness (and price) point to walnut. Evil as the M1A looks, it looks like an old war piece with wood on it, and is not so alarming. Also, wood is warmer. For weight, the ONLY answer is synthetic. That oil-impregnated walnut is HEAVY! But if it's glass-bedded, it's pretty durned stable, at least in the Super Match I handle regularly.

If you're mostly looking at it as a Just In Case rifle that will spend its time in the closet/gunsafe/stash, get walnut and spend the money you saved on a sealed case of (noncorrosive) ammo and a couple more hi-cap mags. If you're going to actively shoot it at matches or hunt with it or take it with you around and about, it's a toss-up. But wood looks better. It's good wood they use at Springfield Armory. (And I don't want to even consider the thought that you may be getting a Chinese copy....)


If you're *not* a member of the NRA, what *are* you doing to protect your rights to enjoy yourself on this Bulletin Board?
Chinese copy? No way! hehehe

For me it's going to be Springfield or nothing. I have to agree with you about the walnut, it is wonderful. The only reason that I was even considering synthetic was just the sheer ruggedness of the stuff. To be honest, I've handled one of the synth. models and I didn't really like the way it felt to the touch, but I was considering it from a strict utilitarian standpoint.

Looks like I may have to go with my first instincts and get the walnut. Thanks.


p.s. - I have a buddy who bought one of those Norinco "M14's" and it was a real shame to see a rifle in that kind of shape, looked like junk to me. :-(

"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe
I don't think the "extra" ruggedness of the synthetic justifies the cost. Lotsa WW II Garands around; wood's still good on mine...

Wood is just so, so...Politically Correct!

Ta, ta...Art
Fubsy, I like those laminate stocks as well. In fact, the SA super match I have has a oversized walnut stock. When it comes time to rebuild the gun I believe I'll re-stock with a laminate one as sell the walnut.
