Opinions or experience with Lanber


New member
I got a CDNN catalog the other day that has Lanber over and unders real cheap-----Has anybody had an experience with these??? Or am I better off spending my money on something else??
re. lanber.

buying a Lanber should be like buying the russian baikals, check who can give you a nice warrantie but i would preffer buying a used italian o/u. Lanber is made in Spain which ain´t all that awfull but it´s the cheapest gun manufactured in Spain (o/u).
A couple of issues ago, Shotgun Sports magazine did a report on the Lamber O/Us. They stated that they did very few reviews for O/Us in this price range for the reason that few were worthy of note.

The review was favorable, and I saw no ads for the Lambers in that issue, so I'm inclined to view this as a good report.

However, a used Browning Citori runs about the same around here as the new Lamber. That might be the better choice, some Spanish guns do have lots of QC probs.
Lanbers are not very common on this side of the Atlantic but in the U.K. they are frequently seen in the shops and on the clay fields. I've handled and fired one and was favorably impressed. The ones that I've seen over here were used guns set up for live pigeon shooting. The prices were very reasonable and had I known then what I know now I would have likely bought one.

Lanber is attempting to expand its market and the man who is marketing the concern is also the Managing Director of Arrieta, a manufacturer of high grade sxs shotguns. Micheal MacIntosh has reviewed Lanbers very favorably and recommends them.

In the grand scheme of things, I would put the Lanbers well ahead of the Baikals, Stoegers and Huglus. They would fit in around the Rugers and SKBs as far as quality is concerned but, and this is a big but, they won't be able to match Ruger as far as warranty service is concerned at least not in North America. SKB also has a North American presence which gives them an edge over Lanber.

The Spaniards are aware of their dubious history and are working hard to make it right. The trouble is their reputation proceeds them so that if a Beretta comes off the line with problems it's an anomaly but if a Spanish gun has a problem it's reflective of problems with all Spanish guns. It's not necessarily fair but that's the way it is. Secondly, resale of Spanish guns is considerably less than other brands. The high grade target guns made by Kemen are by every measure in the same league as Perazzi but resale is much lower.