Opinions on this different approach to a consealment holster.

That video makes it look like a good option for ultra-deep concealment. A tucked in shirt...office wear.

Im going to order one for a Kahr and see how i like it. With Winter coming, concealment in Co is not a problem, but i'll give it a try.
Might be a good option. Not sure how comfortable it would be though, or how well it would conceal while sitting down (if you didn't have a desk or table to help conceal that bulge). But worth trying, and a good option for when you can't use a jacket or untucked shirt to conceal.

However, it would require more practice than most holsters, and in the video he always used both hands to draw. I'd like to see how you draw with that holster with only one hand, since there are a number of situations where you wouldn't be able to use both hands to draw.
That looks like an updated version of the old "Pager Pal". Broke mine the first time I tried to use it. :rolleyes:

Trying to pull the gun "and" holster up out of my pants, never worked very well, although, that does look like it might work "a little" better than the old PP. Getting past the belt seemed to be the thing that was always the biggest challenge with the PP. It also wasnt very comfortable, and there was always a fairly large bulge where it sat under the pants.

These days, I use a Smart Carry on a pretty much a daily basis, and find it works very well. It conceals better than any other holster Ive used (nothing shows above the belt), its quick and easy to access (one handed), even sitting, and for the most part, its very comfortable.
Appendix carry where you yank on it before drawing.:rolleyes:
I think I'd honestly prefer the inverted kidney IWB I used to have before they went out of fashion because of the risk of falling on it.