opinions on the Howa 1500 detach mag models?


New member
hello all,
so I just jumped for joy and bought a mossberg MVP at a decent price. I've been waiting for one for years and have wanted one ever since 223 ammo skyrocketed in price and it was no longer fun to go out and shoot a case of it in a weekend with the AR15s. well the gun in reality does not meet expectations and to say the least I'm not happy with it. now I've been thinking of selling the mossberg and getting something else instead and I see for roughly the same price my local sporting goods store has a howa 1500 with a detachable mag. I figured this time I would look before I leap.

I know the howas are similar to a weatherby vanguard, which I have and love in the long action, however this particular model of howa has a lot of plastic where I'm used to seeing metal, such as the trigger guard, magazine, and magwell. I was just curious if these tend to wear out and get damaged easily. also curious about the accuracy one can expect from one. does anyone know if a feller could find some spare mags as well?
If you own a regular Howa rifle, you can purchase the conversion components separately .The parts you mention are really the only polymer parts on the rifle. The Howa is an excellent rifle at a good price. I like the idea of being able to switch back to the metal parts if I don't want the plastic/polymer parts on there all the time. Just google Legacy Arms magazine conversion and buy yourself a rifle with the standard drop floor setup. The best of both worlds!:)
Friend of mine manages a LGS and carries Howa rifles. Says he sells tons of them and never had one come back for a problem. I've looked at them and were surprised at how nice they are.
I have a Vangard in .223 (interchangeable with the Howa) and I turned it into my bolt action assault rifle.:cool: Replaced the stock (added a little Krylon paint) and bought the Legacy Arms bottom components. It's a hoot! :D

"If you own a regular Howa rifle, you can purchase the conversion components separately ."

A couple of years back, I was within a "card swipe" of adding a detachable mag conversion kit to my HOWA .223. Then I got to thinking about the cost of extra mags and changed my mind. The main advantage with detachable mags in a BA is easy unloading when needed and quick change of ammo type when hunting. I simply don't get along well with dropping the floor plate to unload(especially in snow).

"I turned it into my bolt action assault rifle."
Geez man, don't give the politicians any more ideas.
Thanks Ballisti!

I wonder if anyone makes a mag/bottom metal for a 6.5CM that fits the Howa/Vanguard? I have one of them too.
My brother had one of the 223 Howas in the mini action. His magazines kept falling out. He sold it and bought a Ruger American Predator.
I really like that, Ballisti, but I can't decide how many rounds it holds. Looks like 5, but it's not mentioned in there ad.
I haven't had any problems with the magazines falling out of mine either. I have two 10 round magazines and both seat with a positive "click", don't wobble, rattle, or misfeed.

The Pacific Tool detachable shown in a previous post looks pretty good and I would definitely prefer metal over plastic but I noticed that for the $158 cost, for .223 the only magazine available is a polymer 10 round mag made by Accuracy International. Not sure if the extra cost of the bottom metal is worth it if the magazine is still polymer.
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