Opinions on Tactical Books


New member
As an avid reader I was wondering about what quality Tactical books there are out there. I have read "Tactical Reality" by Louis Awerbuck and though it contained some good information.It could be anything from defensive tactics,firearms to CQB.

Though not really a "tactical book" an excellent mental primer is "The Gift of Fear"
by Gavin DeBecker.
One of my favorites is Defensive Living by Ed Lovette and Dave Spaulding. It's short but is a good primer on attitude, situational awareness, and defensive tactics. Another good one is Street Smarts, Firearms, and Personal Security by Jim Grover. Neither of these books preach firearms as the only option, so they're good for fence-sitters on the gun issue that still want to protect themselves.

The classic CCW book is In The Gravest Extreme by Massad Ayoob. It approaches tactics from a different angle. I've heard his book The Truth About Self-Protection is also good but I don't have it yet.

Some other books that have been recommended:
No Second Place Winner by Bill Jordan (gunfighting classic)
Marine Sniper: 93 Confirmed Kills (story of Carlos Hathcock)
Good subject, P-Warrior. I'll second the Ayoob book and add Jeff Cooper's "Principles of Personal Defense." My brother-in-law gave it to me and it is great. To add a book that's somewhat outside the topic, check out "About Face" by David Hackworth. Hack was a 15 year old orphen who joined the army just after the end of WWII. He fought in Korea and Viet Nam. He talks a lot about the difference between the warriors who protect us and the pencil-pushers who all too often call the shots. I guess you could look at it as the difference between the Clinton administration :barf: and our current leaders :D Great book - the guy is a living history lesson!
You need copies of "Get Tough" by William Fairbairn and "Kill or Get Killed" by Col. Rex Applegate. No "tactical" bookshelf (which should be painted black) is complete without them.
Surgical Speed Shooting by Andy Stanford is a great book on shooting skills. It has helped me a lot lately.
Tactical Reality and In the Gravest Extreme are both very much worth reading. If I could recomend only one reference to a new shooter, ITGE would be it.

John Mattera's Serious Social Shotguns is a pretty good introduction to the shotgun as a fighting tool. Mattera has a couple other books out, but I haven't read any of them yet.

Don't neglect the non-tactical shooting books, either. Brian Enos' Practical Shooting: Beyond Fundamentals is simply the best instructive guide to pistol shooting in existence, bar none. If you haven't read this book and mulled over its lessons at length, you're probably not shooting as well as you could be.

I rented The Gift of Fear from the local library, and was unimpressed. Gavin de Becker's whiny hoplophobia and obvious taste for the spotlight are not character traits that I want in someone who is advising me on security matters.

It would be a great service to the shooting community if someone (preferably someone a bit more stable and mature than our friend Gavin,) would write a book on situational awareness with a mind towards civillians who carry concealed weapons. I'd buy a copy...

- Chris
Here's my pics


Defensive Shooting for Real Life Encounters by Ralph Mroz.

...and of course my Glock armorers manual!!!

Demi Barbito

The Center For Self Preservation Training
I have tried to build a library with several different authors, since I feel each one has something to bring to the table.
I will throw in my vote for the Cooper, Grossman, Suarez, Stanford and Ayoob books. They all have something useful.
Lots of good suggestions here most I have read or have heard about and am planning to get. I can't forget the classic "The Book of Five Rings" it is a tactical primer for any situation