Opinions on Mossberg 500 for Home Protection


New member
I am currently considering getting the attached http://www.gunbroker.com/auction/ViewItem.asp?item=326387
or something similar to have in the event I need for home protection. I've checked out local gun shows and the price seems pretty good, especially when you add in the extra features (heat shield, pistol grips).

For those that have or had one, could you comment on how stored? I'm kinda concerned that if the tube is fully loaded, does the tension/spring cause issues if not used/ejected after a bit? I'd think it would be similiar to magazines for semi auto pistols, but having never used/stored a gun like this, would appreciate feedback.

If you're auditioning for Miami Vice II, it's OK. If you're depending on it to protect you and yours, uh-unh....

It's not the Mossy,that's a reasonably good, reliable arm. I prefer the Remington 870, but the Mossy will work.

It's the addons. Nobody can shoot a PG stock as well as a full stock,and of all the serious WIHTF types I've known, darn near none use PGs. The exceptions are spoecialized, extreme CQB tools.

BTW, this doesn't apply to full stocks with PG grips. The standard stock works for me very well, and I see no crucial reason for or against that style stock.

As for the heat shield, any scenario that requires shooting enough ammo that the bbl will burn you is war, not HD. Again, serious types don't seem to use them.

If you like the Mossberg, go ahead and get it, or a stock 500. Instead of getting the fender ckirts and fuzzy dice, spend your cash on ammo and training. Then,you're dangerous, instead of just looking dangerous...
here's another point that has been made before...

the more add-ons you toss on the gun, the **less** likely you are to survive an armed encounter...legally, that is.

Sure, you dusted him off, dead as Julius Caesar...but the grand jury is gonna have a field day with all the military/assault/mean thingies that are on your gun. Why give them ammo?

Sure, you have to balance the need to survive the actual encounter with the need to keep the idiots in the jury box from sending you away....the trick is to not do anything that isn't tactically imperative. And when you're talking shotguns, few add-ons are tactically imperative. I'll defer to wiser heads than my own for the details, but beyond a weapon-mounted light and MAYBE a mag extension (or other way to carry more ammo), everything else is superfluous.

Save your money. Buy a stock gun and a bunch of ammo. Shoot stuff. Repeat as needed. :D


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." -Robert Heinlein

[This message has been edited by Coronach (edited June 18, 2000).]
My primary HD gun is a near-stock M500. Only changes are a 24" barrel with rifle sights, and a buttcuff.

Get the Mossy, and lose the bells-n-whistles.
Big Five sporting goods stores are having a sale now on Mossberg 500's with synth full size stocks and two barrels (18.5" and 26") for $199.

BTW, all these guys who have replied have given you great advice.
Thanks for everyones input, I appreciate all the opinions. I should probably provide a bit more information.

First, I have a short double barrel (stage coach gun) for HD now, easy for the wife to handle and fairly simple to aim and shoot in the event I'm not there. She does not shoot 100's of rounds a week, but can hit a target 10 feet away consistently!! In most situations, I'd hope two barrels were enough. However, using the "more might be better principle", I have been considering something like a Mossberg with the 8 shot capacity and short barrel. Pistol grips could always be replaced, though I'd have 'em if I wanted 'em.

My initial concern about the spring/tension of having the mag loaded at all times is still unanswered in all the reply posts. Should I be concerned with this, or am I worrying over nothing?? Any feedback on this is appreciated.

Thanks again.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>My initial concern about the spring/tension of having the mag loaded at all times is still unanswered in all the reply posts. Should I be concerned with this, or am I worrying over nothing??[/quote]

Mostly, you are worrying about nothing. If you're concerned, download the mag by one round to put less tension on the spring.

If you want to worry about springs, I'd worry alot more about the mainsprings in the double you're (presumably?) keeping loaded for HD.
get comfortable with whatever you buy. Use it as much as you can. Find what you like and what helps you and always remember what you got it for.
I got a mossberg.
good luck
I assure you that if you follow the advice of Dave McC on practice you will also follow his advice on getting a fully stocked shotgun (either w/ or w/o pistol grip). It might take you one trip to the range, but you will follow it :)

I personally have almost nil experince with PG-only shotguns... the one time I used one was on day one of a shotgun course. Some redneck (errr, sorry! "sun-enriched rural individual") thought he was Miami Vice material and brought a VERY short-barreled PG-only gun. I fired it a few times before we got underway and my wrist was sore. He assured me that 'he could take it just fine.'

We fired over 100 rounds each before lunch.

After lunch he reappeared with a stocked shotgun. :D


PS Lest you think I use the slur 'redneck' as a name for all rural folk, I don't (being of rural roots myself). But just take every negative 'good ole boy' stereotype and roll it into one...you'd have this guy.

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." -Robert Heinlein
Snake, my HD 870 got an extension in around 1981 to bring it up to 6 rounds in the tube. It has been almost continously loaded with 5 rounds since then,and works fine.And if 5 rounds of 12 ga ammo will not resolve a crisis, I doubt 6 will.

As for the PGs, try this course of fire. Set up 5 tombstone targets or similar at ranges of 15 to 25 yards.At a signal, fire for time and score with that PG thingie. Shoot again with a full stock. If your scores and time aren't sigificantly better,the first pitcher's on me.
The old "pistol grips on a mossberg" debate, one of my favorites.

Here my 2 cents.
A few months ago I was anti-pistol grips on a mossberg 500. Now I'm pro-pistol grips on a mossberg 500.

If you had to use a shotgun in a tight spot, like a stairwell or closet ( now.. don't start anything here :) ) an 18" barrel mossberg 500 with pistol grips would be ideal. The user just needs to remember to stay away from magnums and he'll be ok.

Go for it.. I put the pistol grips (front and rear) back on mine.
Patrick, that offer's still open. First pitcher's on me if you can score higher with that PG . Shoot from inside a phone booth it you want to...

Funny, I'm a behemoth, but still have scant trouble maneuvering a stocked 870 in tight areas....
Ahhhh.. trying to lure me back to reality with beer.. :).. well, it's worked in the past, but this time I'm sticking to my guns.. er.. pistol grips..

If the target is at 5 feet I'll bet my score will be the same, pistol gripped or stocked. Now. about that pitcher.. MGD please.. :)

Although I agree with you that past a few yards, a stock is a better deal.

I'm 255, I'm not sure I would fit in a phone booth with a stocked mossy, It would be a tight but possiable fit with pistol grips.

We need to re-open the rifle/handgun vs shtogun debate...
Back in my younger days it wasn't guys I bought beer for Pat(G)...

It's yo' butt on the line here, you have the right to pick what and how you use, even when that is wrong,wrong,wrong....

BTW, 250, 6'2", 52 Long coat. Maybe I've just had more practice at it.
I don't have anything constructive to add here, but I just wanna throw some numbers out here, 'cuz you guys are cracking me up: 6-5, 160, 39XL coat. Oh, yeah, used to run 4-30 miles, 6-0 miles all day long.* <g> And if I turn sideways, I can get into or out of the phone booth without using the door.

*Actually, there is a point there...my second and third most important defensive tools? My left and right feet!
My friends say I'm 5'9" by 5'9" by 5'9", I used to lift a lotta weights but those days are gone :( . I can barely fit in a phone booth and if I accidently close the door I'm screwed.

I ain't got any choice but to stand and fight.

Long live pistol grips on mossbergs.