Opinions on Legal/illegal carry


New member
I would like to hear thoughts from anyone (especially LEO) on whether people carry concealed without a permit. I do not carry myself here in California because I do not have a CCW but I am very interested to know what others are doing. I know where the courts stand on it but I also know that there are many who believe that in our world there is a higher power than the law which is natural self preservation. Your opinions will be appreciated.
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I have said before and will repeat. Anyone who feels he has to carry a gun will carry one, no matter what the law says, what the odds are of being caught, or what the punishment may be if caught.

People who worry about legalities are not in that category.

I live in the state of Illinois where there is no such thing as concealed carry and probably won't be for quite some time. Doing so illegally and getting caught will not only get your right to own a firearm thrown out the window but also gives the media more red meat on which to support their agenda. While I hate this state for a number of reasons I will not break a law which, although unreasonable and not agreeable to me, is still the law. Believe me, if I could find a job making what I'm making in a more gun friendly state I would sell our house, gag, bind, and blindfold my family, and get out of here faster than Ted Kennedy swimming away from a sinking car.:barf:
You said that you wanted a LEO's opinion..... As an American that believes in the constitution, I believe that people should be able to own and carry firearms. The 2nd amendment is very clear and concise.

As a LEO, I prefer carrying concealed when off duty.

Most of the guys that I work with believe in the peoples RKBA. As far as carry permits go in my state... it's may issue and it goes by the county that you live in. I really like the system that Alaska and Vermont have in place;). However, if a state decides to go the 'shall issue' route, I like the systems that Florida and Texas have in place.
Dmanbass... as far as your mention of 'illegal carry' goes... the term 'illegal carry' is met with different standards in different states. New York and New Jersey have very different sets of laws than say.... Florida or Arizona.

PS- I feel your pain... I could never imagine living in California. I visited the state when I was 5 yrs old.... have not been back since and I dont plan on visiting anytime soon. :D
I can't carry but I also rarely feel the need to do so. I work in a fairly safe area and live in an even safer area. The only time I really wish I could carry are the times I spend in Chicago though in many of those cases I'm out drinking with friends and thus wouldn't want to be carrying in the first place.

I won't do so illegally but I would if I could.

My next state of residence will likely be California or Nevada if I can justify the commute.
FWIW, it is not a good idea to be talking about possibly doing anything illegal in an open to the public Internet forum. It is likely that police agencies monitor gun related forums, and this is not a private place.
I had a Sherrif (not to be named) here in SC tell me that a large percentage of people over 60, expecially men, carry a gun on them and very few have permits. He said as long as they don't shoot someone except in self-defense he didn't care, he had other things to worry about. Just be sure that it is concealed, no open carry in SC.
FWIW, it is not a good idea to be talking about possibly doing anything illegal in an open to the public Internet forum. It is likely that police agencies monitor gun related forums, and this is not a private place.

I killed Kennedy! Come on down and arrest me! :eek: What damn difference does it make if a police agency checks on forums like this? You think any police agency would waste the time and resources to try to monitor forums? What difference would it make if they did monitor the forum. You really think there's something illegal about posting on an internet forum that you sometimes/always carry illegally?
I can't carry but I also rarely feel the need to do so.
Suit yourself, but I don't see how this is relevant. If there were a law against airbags or fire extinguishers, you could just as easily state that you couldn't have them but that you'd rarely lived in a house or driven in a car where you felt you needed those safety measures.

I don't think it's healthy/rational to worry about needing airbags or fire extinguishers or handguns a lot of the time. However, even if you don't routinely worry about needing those safety measures, that does not mean it's acceptable for those safety tools to be banned, and it's still rational to be upset when they are banned.
Suit yourself, but I don't see how this is relevant. If there were a law against airbags or fire extinguishers, you could just as easily state that you couldn't have them but that you'd rarely lived in a house or driven in a car where you felt you needed those safety measures.

I don't think it's healthy/rational to worry about needing airbags or fire extinguishers or handguns a lot of the time. However, even if you don't routinely worry about needing those safety measures, that does not mean it's acceptable for those safety tools to be banned, and it's still rational to be upset when they are banned.
I'd carry if I could and I'm certainly upset that I'm not allowed to. My point was that the risk factor of getting caught and charged with a felony is greater than my risk factors that would necessitate a firearm.

If it was legal I would still carry even if I didn't feel the need. But since it's not legal I have to take the laws of probability into account.
as a juror

were I on a jury and had to made a decision where someone was being tried for illegal (what ever charge that might be) carrying I'd be judging the facts. As a believer in RKBA I can not let myself decide the case on anything but the facts. And the fact is (Like it or not) if there is some specific law that say one shall not carry and they are I'm going to vote guilty.
As a believer in RKBA, if I were on a jury, and the only crime was someone exercising their 2a right without having a CCW, I would have to vote not guilty. Rights are not restrained by permits. If you have to ask permission, its not a right.
I am not a LEO but I can tell you for certain that peole carry without a permit.

Working in a hospital ER and Imaging departments I have had a number of people carry firearms without permits. First one was '76 most recent was a 74 year old female.

Move to a State where it is legal...ASAP.
Not really an option for some us. I live in Illinois to finish a degree at one of the best schools in the world for this field and I'll be moving to California on the orders of the USMC.
Back before current CC laws, I carried in Wyoming. If you were a decent citizen minding your own business, that was treated as open (legal) carry and you were just protecting a valuable firearm from the elements,
I can't carry but I also rarely feel the need to do so.

That doesn't seem to be an accurate statement to me. Unless you're horribly disabled, then you can carry, but you choose not to carry. On the other hand, if you're mentally disabled, then you probably never feel the need to carry. ;)
This thread was about legality. If I carry I'm breaking the law and if get caught I lose my right to even own a gun.