opinions on FN FAL


hello everyone....i was recently looking through an issue of the Shotgun News, i noticed quite a few FN FAL's on sale...what are your opinions on this weapon..advantages/disadvatages? i haven't heard much of anything about them...

resistance to tyrrany is obedience to god...thomas jefferson
Developed by protege of Browning, Saive at Herstel, Belgium (adjacent to Liege). One of the first post WWII weapons to be adopted worldwide with over 50 nations selecting this firearm over others.

A superior feature of this firearm over the German G3 is the adjustable gas port which allows for ammunition of varying power. Not brass sensitive like the G3 either.

Will post more later.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Everything you always wanted to know about FAL's but were afraid to ask.
Seriously, I own three, I've had HK's and I find the FAL vastly superior. Adjustable gas system, forged receiver (not sheetmetal stampings), better ergonomics, etc.
A FAL is a great companion / alternative to the "evil dark side" :) I love mine. Makes for some awesome fire power.
if you cannot afford a true belgian model go with either a dsa mfg or one built off an imbel receiver(with a stg kit) which btw is what dsa is doing on their "standard" model.
i have heard both pro and con about the hesse built one. one thing you should be careful of however is the unscrupulos person oassing off a post as a preban rifle. if you do not know what to look for read up on the rifle and take some one who is knowledgeable with you when you go to look.
i am amused that all of a sudden the interest in the fn style of rifle. glad to see people are starting to wake up.
The FN-FAL is as good as it gets. Seriously. Take a look at the following URL for an outstanding FAL-smith who keeps a few on hand for sale.

I wasn't here. You didn't see me. Nobody can prove anything...

[This message has been edited by Mossyrock (edited August 30, 1999).]
I think my alias gives you a pretty good idea of what I think of "the free world's right arm".
Actually it was adopted in one form or another by over 90 countries. Be aware that there are Israeli, metric, inch and Ishapore versions so do some research and know what you are buying before laying out the money.
thanks for the info....i just thought they looked cool.....didn't know they were actually any good..... :)

resistance to tyrrany is obedience to god...thomas jefferson
Arizona Response is known to be one of the premier FAL mechanics around if anyone needs service or just a general refinishing.

I agree, I used one for 7 years and can (with bias) say the Aussie Lithgow L1A1 is beautifully made -with no stampings except slide-cover and has superb slide-cleasning grooves too. But watch the bottom hold-open peg, it was not designed to be used and is of soft metal. Also corrosion/wear on the gas piston sides, as some of us diggers used(illegal) abrasives after firing "dirty" blanks in war games...

Unfortunately my grateful people and government in 1997 have decided to ban the 7.62 NATO "SLR" and so I cannot use one even if I wanted to now.
So, make sure you buy TWO..use one, store one, then when registration (and then of course prohibition afterwards) eventually happens to you in USA, you can surrender one!!
Good BOY...good citizen...

***Big Bunny***