Opinions on .45acp


New member
Going to a gunshow this weekend. I'm thinking of getting a revolver with a 21/2 or 3" barell in .45 acp. Preffer S&W, any ideas? Also what would be a good price?
First good luck in finding one. They aren't that common.
Second the price will probably start way on the other side of $500 for the S&W models. The Taurus, which may be easier to find, will most likely be cheaper.
There were some (now discontinued )runs of short barreled 625's but as noted they are somewhat rare and in demand. I'd expect to pay $550+ if I found one. In comparison used 4" 625's can be had for $400-$450. The new lightweight 325 can be had in 2.5 at $650-$700.

FWIW, I have a 4" 625 abd it's a favorite.
The (now discontinued) 625-3 3" 45 ACP


I paid $450 for it about a month ago. It was the first one I had seen in about 2 years.

The easier to find 325 PD; a 2.5" 45ACP. Bought this one for $600 about 5 months ago.

I would haunt the mil-surp tables. I have seen beater 1917s go for about $300.00. I had one that was a 5". It was shortened to 3.5" and the front sight was soldered back on. A nice and fugly field revolver. I have looked at the 325s. They are Frankenstein creatures. If I were to get interested in a 45 ACP revolver, I would far prefer a S&W Model of 1955. A lifetime of service.
Thanks for the replies. I'll be checking them out on Sunday. Asmodeous,nice guns. Will a 625 take moonclips?
All of the 45 ACP 25's (625, 325) take moonclips.

Recently, I've been carrying the 325 PD as my backup gun (at 21 oz it's about the lightest 45 ACP you'll find).
I guess the question I would ask is why 45 acp

I have a heard of N frame smiths and there all ether 45 Long cold or 44 mag.
If you were to go with a 926 its not any bigger, dosent need moon clips and will also shoot 44 specials.
There isnt anything wrong with the gun but I dont see the advantage of the 45 ACP in a revolver.