Opinions of Ruger MKII stainless


What do you guys think of the Ruger MKII rifle? I am thinking of getting the stainless version in 7mm rem magnum... What are your experiences with accuracy? What about the trigger? How good is it? I have shot remington 700's before and prefer them, but I can get a really good deal on this ruger. So what do you think? All opinions welcome and wanted...

I like their Target rifle, but I don't think Ruger's hammer forged barrels have anything over Remington when it comes to accuracy. Still, as a hunting rifle, the Ruger is a good gun which shoots straight enough to fill your freezer.

For an ancient discussion on the designs of Ruger, Remingtons and Winchester, do a search for a thread started by Mad Dog.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I bought a MkII in .308 with the standard barrel contour and have really enjoyed it. I live in the Southeast where if you touch a carbon steel weapon and put it back without wiping it down, you find rust and pitting the next time you bring it out. The stainless steel simply lets me enjoy the rifle more. On the down side, the action isn't as smooth as my old liberty model 77 in blue steel and the long action, but that might not be as noticeable with a little more use and wear. I'm thinking of buying some lapping compound and smoothing up the action. Another reason the action doesn't feel as smooth might the Mark II safety, which includes a lever that drags on the bolt. But I really feel more confident with the more positive Mark II safety. I like it a lot.

The trigger pull is non-adjustable on the Mark II, and a little heavy for precision work, but for hunting or tactical use it is fine. Several makers advertise after-market adjustable triggers for the Mark II in Rifle and Handloader magazines.

I haven't benched my Mark II yet, and I'm not a trained benchrest shooter, so I really can't tell you much about accuracy. I do know I tend to hit what I'm aiming at. My favorite pastime with this rifle is 300-400 yard shooting at a large kaolin mine. I can hit torso and head size targets fairly easily with a rest or in prone position. I have a 1.5-5x Leupold Vari-X III mounted on it. Instead of a bipod, I made a "field expedient" tripod by lashing three 1/2" hardwood sticks together with strong rubber bands. The sticks are about 16 in. long and are lashed together about 4 in. from one end. I set up the tripod, adjust for heigth by moving the legs closer together or farther apart and drop the foreend in between two of the three sticks. Solid as a rock.

I hate the looks of the All Weather stock, but it feels great. One day I may bed it in a Brown Precision fiberglass stock.
I bought a 77 Mk II in .223. When I found out about the tort-liability trigger, the gunstore fella sold me a Timney at his cost.

I installed it, adjusted it to suit me, and I'm now happy with the gun. But, it took $75 to make it righteous.

Oh, well. I'm picky. I put a Canjar on my Weatherby...
