Opinions of Glock model 27 and S&W Titanium .38..


New member
Just found this site. Wondering if anyone out there owns and/or has shot a model 27 Glock. How is that small grip. I have a large hand and wonder how the gun is to manage with such a small grip. I own a S&W titanium revolver that has a small grip and am having a lot of trouble hitting target. I do fine if I fire from the hip, but can't hit nothing if I actually take aim. Very strange. I am much better with my wifes Taurus .38. Maybe it is the weight and not the grip that is throwing me off.
I find the grip size of the Glock 27 to be the same as the other Glocks. The difference is in the length of the grip. I found that a grip extender for the little finger took care of any complaints that I had with the G27.
The length/heigth of the grip is shorter than the 22/23. The other dimensions are the same. The Pierce magazine base plate that replaces the stock one usually fixes the problem for most shooters. They run about 10 bucks.

You might try a Hogue grip for the S&W. They have a larger grip and the new Bantam grip that is a little smaller.

Overall, the 27 is a handful to shoot fast, accurately depending on your standards of course. :) Unless you feel you "need" this gun, try it along w/a 26 and a 30. The 30 is a bit bigger, but that might not be a factor for you compared to shooting comfort.
The G27 is a hard gun to shoot (very heavy recoil IMO). I've been shooting for decades and I still would not call the G27 comfortable--the recovery time from shot to shot is pretty insane. I would recommend that you go down in caliber to the G26 (which is rather easy to shoot). You might also take a look at the G30 ---> I can't explain why but the G30 recoils a lot less than the G27 IMO. I would only recommend a G27 for experienced shooters familiar with the sharp snap of a mini .40.
I have had a very positive shooting experience with my G27. It is my primary off-duty gun. I believe you need the magazine extension for the pinky finger especially if you have large hands. I carry a S&W .38 in an ankle holster on-duty. The G-27 is a lot more accurate than my .38 and it has better ballistics.
Glock 27

I've said it here before, so you guy's who have heard me say it before, please forgive me. He's new and has asked for opinions.
FWIO, I look at my G27 as my favorite pistol. It's never malfunctioned and I always use Federal 135gr. "PD" Hydra-Shoks so the recoil is not too bad. Even my wife enjoy's shooting my Glock. For some reason, 27's are accurate. It seems impossible that a mini Glock would be so accurate, but it is. The first time I fired mine, the first bullet out of the barrel went directly into the "X" ring. And then several more did. I'm not that good, but my G27 makes me look like a marksman. I can't even keep them all "ON THE PAPER" with a .38 snub at 21 feet. It's embarrassing! At 21 feet, my wife keeps every shot in the center of the target within about the diameter of an orange when she uses her Taurus Titanium snub. When I shoot it, I'm all over the place!

Kentucky Rifle
Don't own a G27, but have shot one extensively. With the right ammo it's comfortable to shoot, but there are some .40 loads out there that just too much. I do own a G26 and find it very comfortable and accurate. I do not advise grip extenders, with a little practice you will find the 26/27 to be good shooters as is.
I don't like either. My hands are 'normal'.

PS you can make 'Major' in the M27, but you have to get behind it correctly for reliable function. get full-sized Glocks.
The G27 is easy to shoot, it just takes practice. I can triple-hammer reactive targets in the blink of an eye. Double-tapping 3 silhouette targets from a concealment draw can be done in 3 seconds. Practice, practice, practice.

And forget the grip extenders. The whole point of a G27 is concealment. If you want the longer grip, you should've gotten a G23 in the first place. Keep the stock mag/floorplate, forget the extender, and just wrap your pinky under the mag bottom. You'll be surprised at how easy it is to shoot, even with full power loads, after you get over the initial strangeness of the 2-finger grip.
Thanks for all the response

Well, I now own a G27. Actually, it is hard to walk out of a gun store empty handed anyway. I am going to the range (cold fingers or not) and have a go with it. I like the way it feels in my hand. I can't wait to try it out. Thanks for all the feedback. I know it comes down to the individual in the end, but it is nice having a sounding board. Happy new year to all.
You are right, I am not sorry!

Man, what a sweet shooting gun. I'm getting plenty of 10's at 15 yards. I feel the recoil a bit when I shoot left handed, but that's my weak hand and doesn't feel much worst than other calibers. I don't think I'm going to need any grip extensions. I have big hands and defintely only get the two fingers on the grip, but with the pinky tucked under and my left hand cupped around, it feels secure and double taps are managable. It was a bit nippy today and I only shot 100 rounds through it, but I am very pleased. No malfunctions.
Glock 27 opinions

In my firearms inventory,it's probably the easiest of all to carry concealed.:) It offer's sub-compact size, with a lot
of firepower; as the G27 will accept the magazine's of the
G22/G23 class. Recoil, while being very snappy is not uncontrollable.:D Finally, these little gems are utterly
reliable. If someone is looking for a great defensive handgun, and can only afford one; I would urge them to
take a look at the G27.:rolleyes:

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
When I purchased my G27 I also bought two magazine extenders. I shot with and without the extenders and now consider them extra baggage. One addition I did make and recommend is the AGRIP. Excellent product, makes a Glock much more comfortable for range work. All three of my Glocks have them installed.

I apologize for not being clearer in my post, but since the thread focused on grip size, the other dimensions I referred to were the width and depth of the grip. But thank you, I looked again and boy was I suprised :)