Opinions/Experience with White ML's?

A buddy is selling a White ML. I think it is the Elite. Wants $400. He has $40 of bullets and all the tools/accessories I need...probably $60 dollars worth. He also is throwing in $17 of powder. It also has a Lyman peep site.
I don't want to spend a lot in this gun....but I want one that will shoot well and far....if need be. Are White's good? Great? Is this a good deal?
Personally I wouldn't buy it. Then again I don't like inlines at all. Just personal preference mind you, but if I'm going to own a frontstuffer, its gotta have a traditional look and action. Then again I'm a sucker for the traditional arm, its why I own a round dozen of them now.
I'm buying modern

I DO want an inline. I want this gun to satisfy practical needs...even though I do think the traditionals are cool. So, assuming I am buying an inline either way....what is your opinion? Are White's good? Compared to others?
Er, If I were goint to buy one of those nasty guns... I'd personally go for one of the new Omega's by Thompson Center, instead of one of the White's. Why? They are just as accurate, a whole heck of a lot better designed from a function/cleaning aspect, and a huge amount cheaper. One can pick them up at Cabela's with a 'starter' kit, IE powder in pellet form 25-30 bullets, a short starter, some quick load dealies, cleaning supplies for around $400.

But I can't see spending that much money on an inline anyways. A good underhammer ( http://underhammers.com ) runs just about the same price, has classic looks, and IMHO functions a heck of a lot better as a hunting arm. I've got a custom .54 I made from an action and stock purchased at the aforementioned site, a Green Mountain barrel I'd picked up for $25, that went together for less than $300 total, and about 5 hours worth of work on my part, that will shoot 5 550 grain conicals into a inch and a half group at 100 yards.