Opinion Please


New member
Personal opinion please. Forget the so called "stats" for a second.
A .44 special is so close in ballistics to a .45 cal, do feel their performance is about equal? What you read , they are not. But I can't see any reason they shouldn't be. :confused:
In factory loadings, I would think them to be about equal. The 45LC really gets its advantage when handloaders load 'em hot. I wouldn't feel undergunned with either unless I was brawling with a bear.
A while ago, I asked a similar question about forty-four special recoil. I learned from those more experienced than me, that the recoil of a 44spl is darn near that of a 45ACP. Wether or not that nessecarily translated to power, I can't say for sure. I wouldn't want to stand in front of either though. ;)
Comparing standard loads with each other

You have a 200gr .429" bullet traveling at roughly 800fps. The .452" ACP is 230grs. at 830fps. Verdict=.45ACP
I knew there was a reason that any 44 cal gun I bought would have to be chambered for Magnums. :)
The question that often settles this debate is: Why should one pick a revolver with a capacity of 5-6 rounds when one can have a 8-9 shot pistol in about the same size and weight package?
Skip, thanks for the information on the comparison of capacity of the two types of firearms, but the question is about bullets, not guns.;)
4thHorseman, let me try and answer you questions. As I sit here I am looking at several reloading manuals and you are correct that ballistically they are very close. The 45 acp has a little more velocity, less than fifty feet per second for similar bullet weights. The only real area I can say that the 45 has over the 44 Special is in bullet selection. Most jacketed bullets used in the 44 Special are designed for the 44 Magnum, so these bullets will probably not perfrom as good as bullets designed for the velocities of the Special. While those designed for the ACP round are capable of performing at lower velocities consistantly. Of course we can't forget that there are comapnies out there making good 44 Special ammo.

So in my opinion yes they are ballistically close to be being the same, but depending on the bullets their performance can be vastly different.
Popbang, I never approached the problem from that aspect before. It seems to make alot of sense now. Thats got to be it. Thanks.:)
Ok, amigo!

Here's another angle.
The 44 is commonly loaded with semi-wadcutters. The 45 Auto commonly with round nose. As hunters will attest, semi-wadcutters are far more effective than round nose.

Ah...I hate these analytical types. :p