Opening a Russian Ammo Can


New member
Got a Russian Ammo pack in today. A giant sardine can of 440 rounds of 7.62x54R for use in my Romanian PSL.

Only ordered one can, so it didn't come with a handy-dandy can opener. Anyone have any experience on an "Easy" way to open this without damaging me or the ammo inside.

I say "Easy" relatively speaking, as I know there is no e-a-s-y way.

Thanks for your input in advance.
Opening ammo can

Although I have an opener now, I've opened those cans with a hammer and screwdriver before. Pick a spot on the side of the lid and keep working the spot with the hammer and screwdriver. Once you break the seam there,its easy to keep it going. You can also start on the top of the can by breaking through the metal and then working your way around the top until you can fold it back. WEAR GLOVES.

After watching the You-Tube videos, I think I'll go with the first method, looks even easier than using the actual can-opener. The Second video would be nice, just dont have access to a CNC machine in the store here. Thanks again for the help, going to go try it right now.