Opening a 2nd Amendment law practice in Kali


Hi folks.

I'm going to open 2nd amendment law practice with my SO.
She is licensed in both state and Federal courts, and, I have a JD that I haven't put to good use.

The current Kali 'drop test' has pretty much banned all 'import' of semi-auto firearms into Kali, or will, when nothing passes the drop test, and, everything sunsets off the list.

That and CCW are my current issues. .oo5 percent, and, my current police chief won't even let retired LEO's qualify each year, which is a FEDERAL law.

We are going to start this on a shoe string, and, I'll probably be the first case, since I tried to buy a Kahr 40CW from Buds, and, was not able to bring it in, since it's now 'sunseted' from the 'approved' list.

Any suggestions, financial aid, links to folks that might help, ANY ideas are really needed at this point.

Setting up a small business, techniques in using the internet for advertizing, setting up a server, etc.

I can use all the help I can get...
Ok, I've got these links in my resource list:

Another site my father-in-law recommended to me is:

Lets not forget, the beloved IRS:

Be sure you go through your state regs to find out about any business licenses or taxes you may have to pay:

Decide on the type of structure you'll set up as, probably be the first decision you'll need to make.

You'll surely need to take into account bookkeeping and how you'll want to setup for that. Decide on location/workspace. Probably want to open a business specific bank account. List any materials/supplies you'll need, paper, printer ink, computers, printers, books, references etc etc all the stuff that you'll need in the office. Consider a specific office phone line or cell phone number/account. Consider operational costs.

A website host I found reasonable was I have not signed up a page yet, but their terms and reputation seemed reasonable from folks I asked who used them.
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Good luck on your quest! I suppose the NRA or some other pro group might be willing to help, or even the local California organizations. Here in my area the only one is about an hours drive in Fallon, called Stillwater Firearms Association. I know they'd love to have a lawyer fighting with them (they already have one or two plus the Deputy DA).

Maybe someday you'll be able to get California to acknowledge reciprocity with sister states, and I won't have to disarm every time I come up to grandpa's house. :cool:
Please tell me you frequent

If not then you ought to. Good info there and even a few firms that frequently take on 2nd ammendment issues.
Good luck
Good luck in your quest. With Heller, this might be a good time to start a practice on 2nd Amendment law. You'll be a better lawyer for the cause since you are a "true believer." Just remember, though, that you have to make enough to eat while slaying the dragon.

Great idea. Have you taken the California Bar yet?

You might want to start opening lines of communications with other 2nd Amendment lawyers. I think Don Kates has left the Bay Area and may be in Seattle now. There's a firm, Trutanich • Michel, LLP, with offices in L. A. and San Diego that does firearms law. There may be a few others. At any rate, I think a Bay Area based 2nd Amendment oriented firm would be a welcome addition to the legal and shooting communities here.
Good luck Socrates! Wow, that state needs your kind of lawyer and you should have a target rich environment. My advice is keep everything as cheap as you can. Phone, computers etc. I helped start a real estate business and know the deal. PM me if you ever want my .02. Good luck pal.
Don Kilmer, in San Jose, pays the bills with family law and does Second Amendment work, like the Nordyke case, as an avocation. He may be able to give you some suggestions on California 2A practice, you should get in touch with him.

He also organized the petition drive a few years back to add the right to arms to the California Constitution.

My thinking is that until an incorporation ruling comes down, or you can get the Constitution there amended, you're kind of out of luck in California when it comes to challenging gun restrictions.
First thanks all for the suggestions, and connections.

I have an out of work attorney I've been supporting, and, I'm going to put her to work.;) She HATES family law, and quit because of it.

NO, I have not passed the bar, but, took it once. No excuse, just not enough studying.

Line of work I'm in is more likely to get me past. the bar then past jobs. Teaching law, though not yet full time.

The Kali gun laws are stopping the free flow of guns, and, since Federal law already exists on such issues, you have a strong commerce clause, and supremacy law issues.

It's kind of ironic, but, the new Kali "drop test" requires a loaded chamber indicator visible at 12 paces. NO ONE except ruger has such a thing, and, what it means is no more semi-auto pistols approved for Kali. It's really great that they came up with such brainy stuff, right after Heller, which made semi-auto pistols such an issue, and, has so much wording on the firearm of choice for SD being a semi-auto pistol.

There is a current case about a local law restricting gunshows which might well establish the free trade angle, and the issues I'm discussing.

We'll see how it goes. I plan on running it from the house, and, I know a few folks from law school, and, practicing attorneys in the area, who we might share office space with. Did it before...
I know about the orange county office of Trutanich • Michel, LLP. Emailed about a job, but, they never got back to me, and, things are sort of working around here...
the new Kali "drop test" requires a loaded chamber indicator visible at 12 paces. NO ONE except ruger has such a thing, and, what it means is no more semi-auto pistols approved for Kali.
New Taurus 24-7 has a loaded chamber indicator as well as striker indicator. The Springfied XDM also has a loaded chamber indicator.
Do they fall under the Kali DT?
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It's kind of ironic, but, the new Kali "drop test" requires a loaded chamber indicator visible at 12 paces. NO ONE except ruger has such a thing, and, what it means is no more semi-auto pistols approved for Kali. It's really great that they came up with such brainy stuff, right after Heller, which made semi-auto pistols such an issue, and, has so much wording on the firearm of choice for SD being a semi-auto pistol.
This is the first I've heard of the "12 paces". I don't doubt you a bit but could you provide a link?

Another angle is that since LEOs are exempt from restriction to 'listed' guns and 10rd mags and the AWB even for personal off duty use you have a 14th Amendment equal protection argument. But only once the 9th Circus (not a typo) gets around to incorporating the 2nd. I figure 6-12 months. The same goes for off-duty LEO retiree carry. The old and moldy "on duty 24x7x365" argument fails in the face of state and federal labor laws.