Open carry where? John/az2


New member
John I saw your open carry post on reply on Weapons free facility, What state, Arizona?
And my question can out of state persons carry openly there?

And if yes, what about "if your from the evil Kalifornia"? is it still legal, I have heard Kali would like to succeed from the US to show the rest of the heathen states what socialism is really about.hehehe.
Well, here in Michigan it's supposedly legal to carry openly... But if you try it off private property, the police will charge you with "brandishing", or "creating a public disturbance".

Sic semper tyranus!

Open carry is for anyone within the borders of the state of Arizona who is not a convicted felon. There is no permit required to carry openly.

No one should walk up to you and ask for your ID just because your gun is exposed to the public as long as you are not in a bar or resaurant that serves alcohol, or a government building, or a store with the properly posted "Helpless Victims" sign. If they do you are completely within your rights to tell them to take a flying leap (LEOs excepted).

I don't see that many people who carry openly, but I do know that there are many who carry concealed! :)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

I've been curious about something, and you might be able to help me. I ride my motorcycle to and from work every day, and I travel quite a bit to Colorado on the bike.

1. Is it legal to carry open while riding?

2. What are the quirks when traveling through the reservations. (another country?)

I've carried open in both of these situations and have never been hassled.

3. Is it expressly illegal to open carry in a bar or restaraunt that serves alcohol? Or is it up to the proprieter?

Thanks for your help. I've been planning on calling the DPS with these questions, but never get around to it.

In Mass. it is legal to carry openly but if you dio, and there is some ninny that feels "threatened", you can be charged with posing an "open threat".

You cannot leave a firearm in a vehicle unattended for any reason for any length of time.

Now picture this Catch-22:

You are on the way to the range and realize you are nearly out of gas. You pull into the gas station but now you are faced with being charged if you leave the firearm in the car while you go to pay or being charged for taking it with you.

Welcome to Massachusetts.

1. Riding/whatever no problem, as long as the firearm is visable.
2. Res. Another country. You need written permission from each tribe.
3. Expressly prohibited to carry into an establishment licensed to serve alcohol for consumption on premesis. Only expection is the case of someone going in for emergency/help.

Whenever I'm home, I carry openly just to piss people off. I love taking my Glock, in a Galco and shorts to a starbucks in Scottsdale. The sea of humans parts for me.
Never had a "problem". Only time I've dicussed it with cops, we compared weapons.

Get a Class A LTC, All Lawful purpose. On the way home from the range, conceal. The really funny thing about Mass., is that they "encorage" carry into bars and such. Because the assumption is that all guns are banned, and you can't carry, they don't prohibit by place.

In Az, if you're carrying and stop for a beer, or heck, Denny's for chicken fried steak, you can leave your firearm in the Car, no problem, no laws broken. But if you carried into the establishment, BOOM, broken law.
Mass., just the opposite. Leave it in the car, broken law, carry in, fine.

NRA - Lifer
GOA - Lifer
Az,Ct,Fl,Ga,Ma,Me,Nh,Pa,Ut - CCW Holder

[This message has been edited by Eric Blair (edited November 05, 1999).]

Like Eric said, the reservations are like a different country. I do not carry openly there, even when I'm just passing through. That's a whole new set of rules that I have not researched, so I tend to avoid the reservations.

Any carry (open or concealed) into a bar or restaurant that serves liquor is prohibited by Arizona state law.


I have found that people are much nicer after they see that pistol strapped to my waist.

The other day I had a lady complain to me about my parking in front of a store. I was standing behind my truck when she chewed me out, but when I opened the door of the store for her with my sidearm side turned for her to see, she very graciously thanked me. :)

And some of the looks I have gotten while in the bank... ;)

Who says an armed society is NOT a polite one? :)

I'm up in Scottsdale every now and again. Let's hook up for lunch some time. Maybe we could convince Jeff Thomas and some of the other Phoenician to join us!


You are welcome, my friend! Come visit us some time!


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited November 05, 1999).]
Open carry is legal according to Virginia legal code, but the Alexandria Police department told me that if I did and the cops were called/came by, I would end up at the wrong end of their guns and possibly dead. The cops told me that for my own safety, I should leave my gun at home. Yeah, right! (If the crooks don't kill me the cops will.)
Libertarian, See if you can get a statment to that effect in writing from them. It might be a valuable piece of paper in the hands of the right lawyer. "We might kill you for NOT doing anything illegal?"
Have you ever tried to trap a bead of mercury with your finger? It is easier than getting anything definative from the Alex PD unless it is an arrest warrant.

Thanks for the input. An armed society IS a polite society!!

If everyone could experience the sense of responsibility that overcomes you when you carry, they would understand.

I work in a pawnhop in Indiana and I wear mine out. I believe here in Indiana you don't need a permit to carry it in your business. After work I carry it out anyways. I take it with me everywhere I go. As for being a "nuisance" I have befriended the cops and don't really see a problem in the future.
In Louisiana, you may carry in plain view provided the building you are entering has no signs prohibiting such activity. Obviously, you cannot openly carry in a bar,school or government building. Your car is considered an extension of your homestead and a loaded gun inside of it is no problem. The is a law on the books recognizing your right to shoot a car jacker while driving. You may carry concealed within your parrish of residence. No testing or gun registration, just a cursory background check,finger printing and a $25.00 fee. I have been stopped for speeding more than while selling in the South Lousiana Oilfield. More than once, I have "shot the bull" with and LEO and we have talked guns for a few minutes and I always tell them there's a gun in the car and allow them to unload it. If you respect them, Louisiana State Troopers are some of the nicest people you will run into. The thing I like about the Deep South is that, by in large, the LEO's understand we are normal people who desire to be able to protect ourselves. All you have to so is show a little humility if you are stopped and you will be surprised how far it will get you. In my travels on the East Coast and through the Midwest, the same cannot be said. Many will say Louisiana is backwards but I will tell you it is one most free states in the Union. I have also found Mississippi to be very gun-friendly as well.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."