open carry rifle


New member
Where I live, it is a misdemeanor to carry any firearm unless you have a permit from the Dept. of Safety, but I am not aware of the state even issuing any but a handgun carry permit. Unfortunately, few seem to care about the right to OC handguns, let alone a rifle.

Open carry is essentially the same for rifles as for pistols. In a perfect world, riflemen would OC in Walmart as well as on frozen lakes in Siberia. I can dream.


I just cant imagine it being illegal to carry a rifle, but then again I live in the South. There isnt a truck without a occupied rifle rack and I have never bought a biscuit and coffee without seeing a rifle being carried in or out.
Not really sure what the point of this post is, but it makes me glad to live in Virginia. We can open-carry anything without a permit. In fact, I have ridden my motorcycle to the range with my SKS (including 30-rd mag at the time) slung over my back. Aside from two yahoos in a convertible that got behind me to gawk, nobody really seemed to care.

Dude, Fireforged, I want to live where you do. That's awesome. There are too many bedwetting hippies and criminals around here to have occupied gunracks.
I just cant imagine it being illegal to carry a rifle, but then again I live in the South. There isnt a truck without a occupied rifle rack
It's legal to carry in a vehicle where I live, which is also in the south, but I'm talking about carrying a rifle over your shoulder instead of (or in addition to:D) carrying a pistol on your hip.

and I have never bought a buscuit and coffee without seeing a rifle being carried in or out.
You don't mean you see people carrying their rifles in and out of the restaurant, do you? I can imagine that happening before or after a hunt, but with intent to go armed?
I have ridden my motorcycle to the range with my SKS (including 30-rd mag at the time) slung over my back. Aside from two yahoos in a convertible that got behind me to gawk, nobody really seemed to care.
I would have been staring too in jealous admiration.
and I have never bought a buscuit and coffee without seeing a rifle being carried in or out.

When I leave the farm at zero dark 30 when I'm riding, I have an SKS in a scabbard, I sometimes stop at a Ma and Pops place to get a Tea. I tie my horse outside and never worry about it. Ma always gets a honey bun for the horse.

TBH I've always wanted to ride up to a take out window at a McyD's.

Not sure what would freak them out more, the rifle or the horse.:D
A while back here in WI a woman drove her scooter powered wheel chair to a MCY D's drive thru and was refused service because she was not in a vehicle. When it came push to shove Mc corporate answer was they are looking out for her saftey so that she or anyone else not in a vehicle in the drive up would not be injured by another vehicle in line. I guess they got smart after the coffee was hot.