Open Carry Laws?


New member
I turned 18 recently, and being in Alabama where the legal OC age is 18, I really look foward to OC. Im not so much about carrying in public, as I am about carrying in the woods when im hunting. From all the information I can gather it should be legal for me to open carry. My freind however has told me that cops will not hesitate to cost me money in court cost by arresting me, and having me put before a judge. This is kind of off-putting, and I really want to get it all figured out BEFORE I head to Bay Minette to get a CCW. (So I can carry in a vehicle) So what is the legality? Is it really possible to end up in jail over this?
I'd look around online for your states firearms laws on it, research it, and then call your local DA's office with any questions. I'd probably just call them anyway, to hear what they had to say.

Id also get anything they say in writing on their letterhead, and it probably wouldnt hurt to have a copy, as well as a contact number to the person you talked to, on you while your wearing the gun.

Part of wearing the gun around in the open is the attention it draws, and commotion it can stir up. Being younger looking, will just add to it. Be ready for questions.

Here in PA, you cant have a loaded gun in the car unless you have a carry permit. So you'd have to unload and load every time you got in or out of the car.
I will call the DA soon now that Ive heard that. I dont much intend to carry where people will be around, but if someone happens to come across me carrying, I dont want to find out the hard way that its illegal. Thanks for the help.
Your best bet is to get it from the horses mouth. Not always a fun thing, and you may (probably) get a lot of annoying questions why. Dont get cocky in response, but dont back down, or get discouraged. A lot of the questions and sometimes intimidation, is for a reason.

Do your home work so you can at least have a reasonably intelligent conversation with them. If they know youre up on things, that alone may make things easier. Good luck. :)
So in some places you MUST carry your gun completely open? As in for all to see?

How do you open carry in winter when one wears heavy clothing?
Open carry means out in the open/not concealed.

Winter, summer, when ever, its got to be visible.

I understand Pepto's quandary, but if it were me, as soon as I could legally get the permit, it would be the last time it was ever seen.
You may find that there are actually NO laws about OC.

That is how it works in Virginia.

There is no law prohibiting OC, so it is allowed.

Laws rarely grant permission, they restrict what you can do.
You may find that there are actually NO laws about OC.

Actually, it's my understanding that that is the case here in Alabama. I've been researching the subject over the past year or so and have come to that conclusion.

The post earlier which recommended was good advice. It provides the best summary of Alabama handgun law that I've found so far -- better than the NRA-ILA summary. Among the information provided is a copy of a letter from one of our Attorney's General some years ago which provided this summary:

1. A person afoot carrying an unconcealed pistol needs no license or permit.
2. A license is required to carry a pistol in a vehicle.
3. It is an offense for a person who has no license therefor (except on his land, abode or place of business):
a) to carry a pistol in any vehicle; or
b) to carry a pistol concealed on or about his person.
End Quote

However, that being said, this is only an opinion, not law, and local district attorneys, sherrifs, or police may have other opinions.

Open carry is legal in a lot of states however it can be frowned upon and even if you don't break any laws, it can still be difficult.

As an example, let me detail a couple of incidents in the state of Kentucky. Let's say your open carry in a mall. Someone calls the police about it and they will likely ask you to leave. If you don't leave, you can now be arrested for trespassing.

A further example is carrying a gun on a sidewalk in public. Someone will call the police and they can ask you to return home. If don't, you can now be arrested for inciting panic.

Those two examples have actually happened.

I'd suggest, as others have, you contact your local DA and or police department prior to your open carry.
You want this site:

I have some friends/relatives that open carry in my state. I've done it myself. Sometimes, it makes sense, other times it doesn't.

For example, if it's one o'clock in the morning and I have no other choice but to walk across the property for something. (Yeah, it happens.) Then I've open carried. I do it when the element of surprise is less useful than the deterrent. If you're alone and not in the crowd, then you're a potential target or possibly the only target.

Each juristiction will respond differently. Check your local laws. I'd suggest carrying a recording device with you in an urban area. Use a good quality retention holster. The police have been told locally not to mess with the open carry crowd, because of the very real threat of a wrongful arrest lawsuit.