Open carry in CT is legal.

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Open carry is legal in CT. I myself was instructed by my NRA instructer some time ago that it wasa not a wise move though as youj were left open to " Breach of Peace ".
Let me say that it is rediculous that an NRA member/instucter would be saying this. It is this type of " better be careful to do something "legal" attitude that has caused problems with carrying in the open.
I myself prefer to carry concealed as I do not feel the need to have people know I am carrying. However, with that being said I do carry openly atr times when concealed is not a viable option.
I have info from CCDL with referance to this,,

" A memo sent out on 4/10/2010 by the DPS stated that cspd should not arrest a properly permitted individual for open carry in public, and that they should not be required tro show their permit ( This I have a probelm with, if an officer state or local asked me-- guess what I'm gonna show him or her my permit.. Anyone who does not when asked is an idiot and does not help the cause.. Just sayin.. )

Also stated was that open carry in public does not meet the statutory requirements for the arrest or charging of the following laws that have been leveled at open carry in the past, they are Breach of Peace, Public Disturbance and Disorderly Conduct..

Bottom line... If you choose to carry openly, do not fidget, get nervous or act suspicious.. It is your right to carry, own it. Secondly if you are approached by an officer, do not be stupid and act like an ass. Be courteous and helpful, surrender your sidearm and permit to them ( if they ask for either )while they check the validity of your permit. You will get both back, this I know from experience.

I was asked by a CS Trooper last year in the area of Granby last year. I was with my wife and children. I gave hime my PP on top of my CDL when asked. He asked if he could see my sidearm, I explained to him it was loaded and gave ot to him ( In a safe, non-threatening manner of course ) I imagine he checked my PP and CDL as well as the sidearm ( To make sure it was not stolen or properly registered. ) He came back 10 min later handed me my CDL/PP the magazine from my SF30, the round he ejected to safe the sidearm and the SF 30 and said Thankyou and have a nice day...

Take it for what it is worth, As PP holders in CT we should not be subjected to fines/court dates/ lawyer fees etc for doing something taht is not illegal. Just getting a PP these days with the fees and wait time is hard enough ( but necessary )
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