"Open carry" help in a Vehicle (AZ)


Alright I live in AZ and have a question about Laws regarding carrying a handgun in a car.

My interpretation on the law is - As long as it's in a holster, there is no problem (even if the pistol/holster is concealed). Keep in mind that this is if you do NOT have a CCW permit.
I know that if you carry concealed on the street without a permit = breaking the law.

As I interpret the law, If you're in your vehicle and the gun is holstered (no matter where it is), no problem. But as soon as you take the gun out of the holster and it's not in view, (under the seat for example) you've broken the law.

Can someone confirm this? I've provided the specific legislative link.


Taken from the leg----
A. A person commits misconduct involving weapons by knowingly:

2. Carrying a deadly weapon without a permit pursuant to section 13-3112 concealed within immediate control of any person in or on a means of transportation;

F. Subsection A, paragraph 2 of this section shall not apply to a weapon or weapons carried in a case, holster, scabbard, pack or luggage that is carried within a means of transportation or within a storage compartment, map pocket, trunk or glove compartment of a means of transportation.

The Paragraphs 2 and F are relevant.
See how Paragraph F nullifies Paragraph 2...
No CCW means 2 steps to be followed.

Az courts have stated that if the weapon is in a holster in a car it can be in the glove box or on the seat, but not under the seat or otherwise concealed without a CCW.
On the seat is open carry.
Under the seat is concealed; with no CCW you go to jail.
In the glovebox while in a holster that covers the trigger, is considered 2 steps from use, so that is legal.