Open carry for women


New member
I finally got my wife into my favorite gun shop and she actually picked up a few guns to try them out. She even went as far as asking a few well thought out questions of the shop's owner.

Her birthday is coming up soon, and guess what I got her! hehehehe... she doesn't know!

Anyway, we were talking about her "future" CCW (at this point, she wouldn't dream of anything as radical as "civil disobedience", but one step at a time...) but, I digress... We were talking about CCW permits when she wondered out loud how many women carry openly, and what are the reactions that they recieve from those who see that they have a gun on them?

Here in Arizona, I have not, as of yet, seen ANY woman carry openly. Although, if I did, I would probably be the one to walk up to her and shake her hand, and thank her for taking the responsibility upon herself for her protection.

Anyway, I told her I would post the question here on the board.

How would you react? And how do you think others would react to such a sight?

My good wife wants to know! :)


"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

Bill Clinton (aka: Hopper) Al Gore (aka: Molt) Janet Reno (aka: Thumper)


[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited June 30, 1999).]
I would respect her for the decision to be responsible for her own safety, and refusing to be a victim. This country needs more of the same. The love of firearms and freedom isn't gender-specific. I believe that behind the patriotic men of the Revolution were patriotic women.

My wife, who is also on this forum (Darthmaum) is just as passionate about firearms as I am. There is nothing un-feminine about shooting and carrying. I have a TX CCW license (well, WILL, once it arrives from Austin) and as soon as possible after the birth of our child (due Sun!!!), she will be in the class getting hers as well.

Keep at her- the best thing you can do is encourage her, take her to the range and shoot, shoot, SHOOT!

"Fear is the path to the Dark Side...
Fear leads to gun laws, gun laws lead to disarmament, disarmament... leads to Tyranny!"


"If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP!"

I carry openly in Texas rural areas where it's only legal to do so while hunting, fishing, on your own property or while en route to a shooting event or some other such nonsense.

Bottom line is that nobody notices what other people are doing, in all's all in body language.

I've never had an adverse reaction to the gun behind my hip from either delivery people at the home place, the people who wander in to ask directions, or from the clerk at the local store, or from the local LEO. I don't display my doesn't precede me into any premises with a don't mess with me attitude. It's just there, like a pager would be.

Anti's just aren't that aware of what a gun looks like carried unless they see the big red iternational no sign slashed across a graphic of a gun overlaid upon a sprawled bleeding body.

I hope your wife will treat her gun the same as as if it were a bunch of keys, a pager or a cellphone on her waist in AZ where it's legal to carry openly.

I like to think of it as reverse incrementalism, where the only people likely to be intimidated are the ones planning to make a victim out of her.
My first reaction would be to go up to the woman and ask her what kind of gun she carries, and then to shake her hand, give her a hug, whatever! ]

More women need to be seen carrying guns, I think. Your wife needs to know that there are women out there that carry, and still preserve their "woman-ness." I am not a "Butch" type woman at all, as I think some people percieve women gun-owners as being.

I personally can't wait to get my CCW/CHL, I sure do wish we could carry openly in TX though!

What kind of gun did you get her? I own a SIGP228, and a Springfield Ultra-Compact .45ACP (which will be my carry weapon). No pea-shooters for me. :)

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"

It's a nickled Taurus p-22, a brick of LR CCI's and a box of CCI mini-mags.

When the dealer said that many times all you have to do is show the gun to the one intent on harm, she immediately started looking at the shiny ones, because they could be more easily seen!

She's shot my 9 and 380. She liked the 380 the best, but I personally don't trust that gun for self defense.

Her biggest hang-up for pursuing this course is the thought of actually shooting someone. We're still talking about that aspect and were it would be best to shoot/not shoot, and why.

One step at a time... she's come a long way!


"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

Bill Clinton (aka: Hopper) Al Gore (aka: Molt) Janet Reno (aka: Thumper)

May I suggest spending about $7 on "Armed & Female" by Paxton Quigley?

You read it first, then present it to your wife for her to read. Then, when she brings up various issues you'll both be in sync.

~Douglas in CT :)
John, when you say "openly" do you mean that literally - where a gun is visable or do you mean it figuratively? There are very few states that allow a true "open carry" where the gun is visable.

Here in Texas, my wife and I both carry, concealed. When she is ever asked about it (sometimes when showing her DL for check verification the CHL is clearly visable), especially by women, "do you really carry a gun?", her reply is a proud "of course I do"


"Because I can take carwe of myself far better than a police officer can take care of me - and it's my right."

She usually gets very proud looking facial responses from these women - as if they think she is Joan of Ark - a female heroine.

Your wife will come around - do not push the issue, let her do that.

Good luck and glad to hear you are encouraging her.


Here in Arizona open (exposed) carry is "legal" (quotes because it should not even be a question in any state). Concealed requires the appropriate papers.

My question was directed primarily to the Exposed open carry method.



I will do just that! Thanks!


"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

Bill Clinton (aka: Hopper) Al Gore (aka: Molt) Janet Reno (aka: Thumper)
