Open and Concealed carry in CA


New member
Two articles by the same author, one as an Op/Ed in the LA Times:,0,1560358.story

and one on a blog:

This is the first I've heard of AB144.

Ban open carry of firearms? I'm sure there are some who, on the first reading of the title of the bill could go ballistic against the State of California, but the author to whom I linked above presents an interesting argument about how, if passed, a ban on the open carry of firearms in CA could lead to less restrictive concealed carry.

I question, though, two aspects of his argument. Firstly, if your handgun is necessary for defensive purposes, is it really as simple as loading the gun then using the loaded weapon? I doubt it. Secondly, the author seems to be playing on the fear of the rest of the citizenry when he asks
But what is worse: seeing a visible, unloaded gun once in a blue moon at a Starbucks — or being surrounded by people with hidden, possibly loaded guns every time you go out on the street?

What's the proportion of citizens in other states that have a CWP? Do you feel like you're "surrounded" with concealed weapons when you're out and about?

In light of the author's argument, what are your thoughts on AB144?


ETA: I saw this thread on the first page of the Law and Civil Rights forum, but it seems to be a thread on "it doesn't surprise me that California is trying to push this on their citizens."