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OP Thread Etiquette


New member
This may be completely ridiculous to some, but I see a lot of threads where the OP posts some valid discussion point and never responds to suggestions or questions. I know this isn't a requirement, but friendly conversational etiquette says you would at least post a "thanks," "I'm done" or "keep the info coming."

Also, I would like to request OP's tell us what you did. This could be a huge help to the guy who does search for answers, finds your post. Reads all the good ideas, but then a final, "I changed mags and it never jammed again," would be great.

This may sound like complaining and could be rephrased better, but I'm just asking when people post to please plan to interact with the thread some.
I couldn't agree with you more, Nathan. That is one of my pet peeves also. There are times when I want to simply lock the thread when the OP never comes back to respond or even say a simple "Thanks", but I don't because we get enough flack when we close threads that really need closing.

Actions such as you described are akin to someone walking up to a group of people, asking a question, and then walking away as the question is being answered. They never look back or respond to those answering the question they posed. I'm sure it's not really like that since members can view their threads without having to ever respond in it again, but the appearance of ignoring those who are trying to help is very real.

[soapbox mode off]
Living on a two-way street !!!

Quite often I will ask the OP to "Please get back to us on how you resolved this problem" There are some really unique problems that I sure would like to get some follow-up on. I'm thankful for learning and sharing. There are truly some great posts in here. ... ;)

Be Safe !!!
friendly conversational etiquette
And many, perhaps most, are first time posters. You say "Hi, welcome, bla bla bla". You give 'em an answer or a perspective or whatever, as do others... and then, nothing.

I think, aside from a lack of search skills, that, at least with the new ones, they lack any forum social graces or have no interest in participation... other than obtaining answers to their questions. Who's to say?
We need a goon squad.
Perhaps a rule about 1st timers doing something other than asking a question would be a prerequisite? I have no idea how that would work, short of mods and members policing the posts.

It doesn't drive me crazy, but it certainly is annoying.

Thanks for the response. Not sure how to solve it, but I'm getting better at asking for OP response vs continuing the discussion without the OP.
I'm guilty.

Sometimes you read the response and have to mull it over. Then it gets swept under the rug for a bit.

Sometimes I am not content with the answer I get. Maybe I re-post the question on a more specialized forum or maybe I just wait until someone else replies.

Other times I forget to subscribe to the thread and it just drops off the radar.

I didn't know you guys took it so personally :)
I didn't know you guys took it so personally :)

So you're the one! Kidding. :p

My problem is that I was a technical instructor for over 20 years. I want to share what I know... it gives me the warm fuzzies when the light bulb comes on.

If it's one of those short, vague, poorly considered questions... I tend to give a short, one paragraph or less, off the top of my head, quicky answer... I don't really care. It's kind of a throw-away deal.

If on the other hand I perceive a real need or desire to know and understand... and I spend a good amount of time and effort with identified personal opinion vs. reasonable objectivity, content, specific hard data, links, wording, sentence structure, proper grammar and so on... then yes, I get a bit miffed if the OP doesn't appreciate the time and care put into for my efforts to illuminate & educate.

Then I say "oh well... " and go to the next interesting thread. :D
