Oops- sorry, Charlie.


New member
Reuters reports that one of Prince Charles' guards had an accidental discharge of his Glock, which apparently whanged off the floor and out a window. "A Spokesman" discounted the incident and said the AD occurred in a room designated for firearms handling. Be that as it may, I think somebody is in line for a career change.Has anyone ever heard about ADs at the White House, apart from those involving Monica?
You're going to be a bad influence on us, aren't you?

I *know* we're supposed to call the incident a "negligent discharge" but either way you crack me up! Thanks! :D :D

(I hear singing! "Devil with the blue dress, blue dress, blue dress. Devil with the blue dress on....")
You guys are distateful and disgusting.

Negligent Discharges are a serious matter...ahem; nothing to laugh about...smirk, giggle; very "heady" business....chortle, snort; especially when Affairs of State are involved...guffaw, uncontolled laughter.

Well, I guess you make some good points! ;) God, I love this place!
Dammit, I'm getting tired of replacing keyboards when I spit soda on them...

Guess I'd better give up a) reading TFL or 2) drinkin' on the job.

TB, that was absolutely classic. Bravo!

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.." Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.

Please! A little decorum! Remember that loose round "whanged off the floor and out a window!"

There's no telling what this will come to!!

(I'm sorry... I just couldn't, um, hold it!!)

((Rich, you gotta put a stop to this. The price of keyboards alone!.....))
Tom B:

Absolutely hilarious!!!

As to your question, not that I've heard of (other than the one you mentioned). I have an old Army bud who got out and went in the SS...we stay in regular touch and he would have filled me in on something like a real weapon ND'ing at that address.

There are, however, certain units in the US Army that have a very high standard: any ND will result in your being sent packing back to your original unit/mos period.


Well done. You had the opportunity to make something smutty out of that and you refrained.

<straight face> I'm glad you didn't blow it. </straight face>


[This message has been edited by Bruce in West Oz (edited November 08, 1999).]
To answer the question has it ever happened in the White House? The answer is yes Once it happened on Air Force !. An Agent had an Usi in a brief case on the seat next to him and It slid off the seat on take off. I don't know anything about the Uzi but they said that he had something taped down and when it hit the floor it went full auto and emptied the Mag. They had the brief case at the academy at Beltsville with a sign on it. " The shots heard round the world." They had one AD that I know of with the 7MM sniper rifles on the Presidential Guard. An agent dropped the gun case when he started to set up on location. And the gun fired.
They nearly dropped the hammer two times that I know of on innocent civilians. One was in an open field next to the runway as the president was about to depart. They saw some one in the open field next to the runway. He had what looked like a rocket launcher. One agent kept the cross hairs on him while the other
Commandeered a vehicle and took out to the spot. As AF 1 started to roll the shooter started taking the slack out of the trigger when the other agent got to the man. A quick radio call aborted the shot just as AF1 went by. It was an engineer with a roll of blue prints. The other was in San Francisco . They had the route staked out and the motorcade was coming down the street when one of the sniper saw some one at a window down the street . It looked like he had an m16 . The agents radioed the ground patrol and gave them the window and held the cross hair on him while the ground crew went to the location One agent was watching the motorcade and was going to call the shot when it reached the point of no return. Just as he started to give the word to fire the ground patrol burst in and apprehended a 12 year old boy with a mop
These were incidents I heard of when I was supporting their sniper rifle program. I am sure there are many more
Charlie doesn't need armed guards anyway. After all, England is such a nice, safe country that the people don't even need to own firearms for self defense.
(cough,cough, gag, retch!)

As for Monica jokes, I love it!
I just can't wait for the biggest Monica joke of all to leave office!
Another near deliberate discharge took place in a radio station where Michael Reagan was coming to tape some things while Papa was still president. Michael was in the recording studio and the two S.S. agents stood outside. A virulently and rabidly anti-gun talk show host came running down the hall with an electric M-16 lookalike squirt-gun, pointing it in various offices and shouting. I knew it was a squirt-gun because I had just soldered a broken wire in it and got it working for him.

Up came two UZI's very rapidly. I was within five feet of them and yelled "No, it's just a toy. Don't shoot. It's **********." Fortunately for him, they believed me immediately as they knew me.

There have been times I have regretted this action.


The S.S. guy with the Uzi had taped down the grip safety, apparently. This could allow the pistol to slam fire. Cute. Word is more than one Israeli trooper has seen a round go by past his nose as the guy in front of him with his Uzi slung muzzle-up and the grip safety taped down jumped off a truck, resulting shock allowing the bolt to come back far enough to slam fire. (shudder)

Marsh-- Meddler! :)

Tom, Dennis, Bruce, et al:
I am so very close to making unfortunate references to Rule #3 in the Oval Orifice... :D (see "Gun Safety" link, above...)
A friend related a story that he swears happened at the White House when Clinton had just taken office. Seems Billy was wandering around where no one should have been at that time. He was walking down the hall when he found himself staring down the barrel of a gun. My friend says he wasn't sure who was more afraid, the pres or the agent after he realized who he had almost shot, but it stank in that hall for a few hours! :) Would've changed history, no doubt. (No additional comment necessary.)

[This message has been edited by Mal H (edited November 09, 1999).]
Speaking of Prince Charles,there is a book out entitled"Prince Charles and a Cup of Tea". The author offers some pretty convincing proof that Charley is the coming anti Christ! Charles doesnt have any power att,but is recognized by all european Royalty as number one Royal. When glock is mentioned,my mind goes to head wound and "miraculous survival' as mentioned in Revelations.There is still time. Charles is still pretty young guy!
Just think, none of these Monika jokes would exist if WJ had only kept his weapon holstered. ;)


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Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Society