The airport security thread caused me to remember a couple of doozies.
The first is when my wife forgot her pistol was in her purse when we went to court once. Neither of us were arrested and I put it in the car before we went in.
I went to a General Assy. meeting at the State Capitol. Before going throungh the detector, I went to the person running it, showed my CCW card and lifted my shirt to show my S&W. I said I had mgs in my pocket. She let me through and when all the bells went off, a yound SPD went nuts. The head guy said I was OK, but the yound one wanted to check my pockets. He went ape because I hadn't declared a 2" penknife! I asked if he really thought I was going in with guns and mags to start something with a forgotten knife?
His bosses straightened him out before it got too crazy..
The first is when my wife forgot her pistol was in her purse when we went to court once. Neither of us were arrested and I put it in the car before we went in.
I went to a General Assy. meeting at the State Capitol. Before going throungh the detector, I went to the person running it, showed my CCW card and lifted my shirt to show my S&W. I said I had mgs in my pocket. She let me through and when all the bells went off, a yound SPD went nuts. The head guy said I was OK, but the yound one wanted to check my pockets. He went ape because I hadn't declared a 2" penknife! I asked if he really thought I was going in with guns and mags to start something with a forgotten knife?
His bosses straightened him out before it got too crazy..