Ontario Black Bear


New member
Well I finally got back on track, a year ago I joined the sight and asked for some help with an Ontario black bear hunt regarding rifle choice.
I took the '06 browning bar with some 180 grain accubonds and got myself a real trophy, a 5 year old male ( according to feed back from the tooth the minestry of natural resources sent me) 350lb male. I decided to have a full body mount done, the skull was officially measured at 18 1/4.
(taxidermist is a registered sci member measurer, at Two Rivers Taxidermy
Hinckley MN )
Congrats on the first bear kill! I've only really hunted black bear a couple of times up in Alaska, but it was an awesome adventure both times. I've carried a tag a few times elk hunting in Colorado for a target of opportunity, but never seen a bear worth shooting
Thank you both gentlemen, yup the full mounts was $2810, I'm trying to figure out how to get my picture up right now. Taylorce1, the 3030 and partitions are heading up this year, aug 18th just north of Ignace Ontario, on the English River should be another good time.

Taylore1, I remember that post about your Alaska bear, you used the 200 grain partition in an 06. was it 200 yards?
Yes, that was me with the 06. I'm glad you're willing to give the .30-30 a shot now that you have your first bear. Now the question is what happens if you shoot a bigger bear?
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My buddy and I went to Ontario in 1987. We each got a bear but the camp average was 175# so not big bears. The rug I had made of mine is hanging behind me right now.