Only use of concealed carry permit to purchase a gun in TX?

Recoil spring

New member
Has anyone just used their concealed handgun license for photo ID and residency over combining a driver's license when buying a gun in TX? With the new change in law on Sep. 1st where you don't need a concealed carry permit anymore, will it still be useful to use to avoid the background check delay?

A friend of mine (Josh at LoneStar Handgun) recently posted this because people keep asking him if there is a benefit to maintain your LTC. I'll be renewing mine when it expires.

Benefits of getting your License to Carry:

1. Know the Texas Law. Education is crucial for any gun owner.
2. Purchasing firearms is a quicker process since the background check has already been done (bypass the NICS background checks)
3. Travel between states (not just Texas). More than half of the states have reciprocity with Texas.
4. Easy to show that you are legally able to carry your firearm, which can make for better interactions with law enforcement

That's it brother, it also shows the DA you had proper training.
Most Constitutional carry States are now offering the option as mine mirrors Texas as well.
I like it because I may be moving out of State and my State mirrors exactly their requirements and because it does they will honor mine until it expires.

Yes it can be a hassle, yes it cost money, but in the end well worth it.
Out-of-state travel. Most of the places I am likely to travel within 1,000 miles will honor my permit so I don't have to worry about legal hassles.
The ability to skip the background check is just a bonus and has saved a lot of time at a couple of auctions.
Yes, it seems to make sense to keep it current. A little off topic, but anyone used their license/permit as a Government ID in a non-firearms related situation? Just for the heck of it I used it to vote once and the lady looked at me like I was domestic terrorist or something. Now, I suppose, the media has told her that we are, so maybe I should have known better.
So will a
Non-resident Texas LTC still be honored.

I was a native Texan but moved almost 8 years ago, and Texas graciously allowed me to maintain a nonresident license.
So will a
Non-resident Texas LTC still be honored.

I was a native Texan but moved almost 8 years ago, and Texas graciously allowed me to maintain a nonresident license.

I don't think anything changed for out of state on nonresidence licenses go. Sec. 411.173. NONRESIDENT LICENSE.
Whenever the question of maintaining a license for use in states that allow permitless carry, I feel constrained to remind everyone of the federal Gun Free School Zones Act. The act makes it unlawful to possess a loaded firearm anywhere within 1,000 feet of a school zone. (Not within 1,000 feet of a school building --- 1,000 feet from the boundaries of the school property).

An exception to this is if you have a license to carry issued by the state in which the school zone is located. Permitless carry will NOT protect you. Interstate reciprocity will NOT protect you. This is why I have permits/licenses from three states in which I have friends and/or relatives even though all three states now allow permitless carry.

18 U.S.C. 922(q) said:
(1) The Congress finds and declares that—

(A) crime, particularly crime involving drugs and guns, is a pervasive, nationwide problem;

(B) crime at the local level is exacerbated by the interstate movement of drugs, guns, and criminal gangs;

(C) firearms and ammunition move easily in interstate commerce and have been found in increasing numbers in and around schools, as documented in numerous hearings in both the Committee on the Judiciary [3] the House of Representatives and the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate;

(D) in fact, even before the sale of a firearm, the gun, its component parts, ammunition, and the raw materials from which they are made have considerably moved in interstate commerce;

(E) while criminals freely move from State to State, ordinary citizens and foreign visitors may fear to travel to or through certain parts of the country due to concern about violent crime and gun violence, and parents may decline to send their children to school for the same reason;

(F) the occurrence of violent crime in school zones has resulted in a decline in the quality of education in our country;

(G) this decline in the quality of education has an adverse impact on interstate commerce and the foreign commerce of the United States;

(H) States, localities, and school systems find it almost impossible to handle gun-related crime by themselves—even States, localities, and school systems that have made strong efforts to prevent, detect, and punish gun-related crime find their efforts unavailing due in part to the failure or inability of other States or localities to take strong measures; and

(I) the Congress has the power, under the interstate commerce clause and other provisions of the Constitution, to enact measures to ensure the integrity and safety of the Nation’s schools by enactment of this subsection.​

(2)(A) It shall be unlawful for any individual knowingly to possess a firearm that has moved in or that otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school zone.

(B) Subparagraph (A) does not apply to the possession of a firearm—

(i) on private property not part of school grounds;
(ii) if the individual possessing the firearm is licensed to do so by the State in which the school zone is located or a political subdivision of the State, and the law of the State or political subdivision requires that, before an individual obtains such a license, the law enforcement authorities of the State or political subdivision verify that the individual is qualified under law to receive the license;
(iii) that is—
(I) not loaded; and
(II) in a locked container, or a locked firearms rack that is on a motor vehicle;​
(iv) by an individual for use in a program approved by a school in the school zone;
(v) by an individual in accordance with a contract entered into between a school in the school zone and the individual or an employer of the individual;
(vi) by a law enforcement officer acting in his or her official capacity; or
(vii) that is unloaded and is possessed by an individual while traversing school premises for the purpose of gaining access to public or private lands open to hunting, if the entry on school premises is authorized by school authorities.​

(3)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), it shall be unlawful for any person, knowingly or with reckless disregard for the safety of another, to discharge or attempt to discharge a firearm that has moved in or that otherwise affects interstate or foreign commerce at a place that the person knows is a school zone.

(B) Subparagraph (A) does not apply to the discharge of a firearm—
(i) on private property not part of school grounds;
(ii) as part of a program approved by a school in the school zone, by an individual who is participating in the program;
(iii) by an individual in accordance with a contract entered into between a school in a school zone and the individual or an employer of the individual; or
(iv) by a law enforcement officer acting in his or her official capacity.​

(4) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as preempting or preventing a State or local government from enacting a statute establishing gun free school zones as provided in this subsection.
Recently applied for CCW in AZ and waiting on approval and receipt of CCW card. There are multiple benefits to acquiring a state CCW card. The biggest benefit is the ability to legally carry a concealed firearm for self defense not only in your home state but over half of the states in US. Also knowledge of home state and reciprocal state laws is important, especially state use of force/deadly force statutes. I certainly appreciate the ability to by-pass any background checks and/or state mandated waiting periods but it was not a deciding factor in obtaining my CCW.
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Okla has gone to "no permit required".

I renewed, I WANT the card on my person.

Now, showing the card to by-pass NICS is a definite benefit. During a big gun show, the system gets bogged down, show the card and go. Even in a private sale, a quick show of the license can ease things.

I handed my "card" inadvertently, to a casino clerk. She has a quizzical and slightly scared look, " I don't think I can accept this. Let me call my manager?"

Manager was nearby and heard her. He looks and laughs. "Are you carrying NOW?"

"No", I say

He turns to clerk, "that is a government issued license, with name, residence and photo. Why can you not accept it?"

She is looking terrified, now. " but, but, but, doesn't he have a driver's license? He might be wanting to rob me."

After the laughter stopped, he sent her to wait in the office, finished the transaction and thanked me for providing the educational opportunity she would be receiving.

I haven't shown my "card", unnecessarily or inadvertently, again.
I showed my card to an officer once, because that’s what they said in class. He just laughed it off and said he already knew it.
I've offered my CCDW ID as a 2nd ID a couple of times, but it is always turned down because there is no signature on it. I've never had anyone react badly, just say that they need something with a signature.

Always struck me as odd that a photo ID is not worth more than a credit card.
I never thought about a signature. Most places that ask for a photo ID just say "government issued." I have permits from six states. I just checked -- my home state and three others have my signature on them, the other two do not.
On Sept 1st, even the ‘gun buster’ sign is considered notice for prohibiting UNLICENSED carrying of firearms. The only legal requirement is that it has to reasonably come to the attention of the person entering the building.

LTC holders are still governed by the 30.06 and 30.07 signs
FAS1 said:
On Sept 1st, even the ‘gun buster’ sign is considered notice for prohibiting UNLICENSED carrying of firearms. The only legal requirement is that it has to reasonably come to the attention of the person entering the building.

LTC holders are still governed by the 30.06 and 30.07 signs
Can you please explain how that works under the law(s)?
