Only the police and military...


New member
I get tired of hearing that mantra. Especially when I walk into the convienance store around the corner, and see this sign - "$500 reward to anyone with information leading to the return of a Berreta M9 9mm pistol stolen from the Army National Guard Armory". Gotta love it. That's in an ARMORY, talk about security. Sign has been up for a while, guess that pistol is either in banger hands or in Mexico.
Make you feel real safe and secure, doesn't it?.Maybe next time it will be a 50 cal. or maybe a tank!:cool:
I would say that theft of police/military weapons is fairly commonplace, but nowhere near as high as it potentially could be. Every so often someone makes off with a SWAT team member's MP-5 since most SWAT team members do regular patrol duty and thus have to keep their deadly rapid-fire high capacity automatic police assault weapon in the trunk of their cruiser where it can get stolen by some nogoodnik bent on turning it into a deadly rapid-fire high capacity automatic drug dealer assault weapon.

I am certain that if VPC/Brady Bunch/IANSA gets their way the incidence of deadly rapid-fire high capacity automatic military/police assault weapon theft will increase by a couple of orders of magnitude in this country.
My response to them is that there is little to prevent the military and police from being the instruments of criminals in office. Disaster + public fear + unscrupulous politicians who can justify anything...or really don't have to because they're invincible in elections = police state. It's happened all the time in history. In five words: I don't trust them either.
Why would you think...

the stolen weapons are in the hands of "bangers or in Mexico"...did it ever occur to you that they (the stolen weapons) may be in the hands of some extremist white skin head militia...or do only "bangers" and "Mexicans" commit crimes?:rolleyes:
My my, snippy, aren't we? Yes, gangbangers do commit crimes. Since I am one of the one who keeps them locked up, I know for a fact what bangers do. I also know what skinheads, (the REAL ones), can do, as well. I meant "bangers" as a general slang term for criminals, sorry to offend - some of your relatives bangers, to make you so sensitive?
As for Mexicans, NEVER SAID THAT - READ IT AGAIN. I said it could be IN Mexico. We are close to the Mexican border, there is a gun trade going south, (not nearly as big as the illegal invader/drug trade coming north!), and a pistol like the Beretta M9 would be favored down there. The army and drug lords "control" the firearms trade down there. Illegal weapons are everywhere - look up Chaipas rebels before you argue that one.
Sorry to upset you.
Or should I puff up, and ask why you are obviously baised and racist against white people? Nah, ain't woith it.
Please re-read your post

and you will find that you may be the one who is getting "snippy" (whatever that means). And no, I have no relatives that are "bangers", nor am I "racist" against my own need not be too creative or biased to see that your post borders on a personal attack.:(
Its like the wolf guarding the hen-house.
The theft was most likely internal boneheads/NOT external skinheads.
Where it went from there is anybodys guess.
What about the 6 nuke cruse missiles that got misplace on a B-52 going to Texas? That story got SHUUSHED most quik! Ea?

When I was in the USAF, I bet it took at least 6 signatures to get one out of the lock up!

Or at least I thought that door was locked!:cool:
Disaster + public fear + unscrupulous politicians who can justify anything...or really don't have to because they're invincible in elections = police state.

+1. Also, FEAR of being bankrupted by medical costs and FEAR of not having retirement income are driving us towards a socialist state.....what's that Franklin quote about liberty and security?:)

a pistol like the Beretta M9 would be favored down there.

But I thought "military caliber" weapons were illegal in Mexico; oh wait, now I get it.;):D

The OP:

I almost made the mistake of saying there's nothing special about the military or police. That's not true: they are very special in pledging their lives to serve. However, as special as that commitment is, there's nothing special about their abilities, judgment, and in some cases even training. There are exceptions: what civilian will ever aqcuire the street sense of when to shoot as a veteran beat cop?

That said, the required training for average miliary and police members is not even up to what an avid IDPA shooter gets.

I remember my very first IPSC match (pre-IDPA days). It was a small club meet and everyone was pretty friendly. I remember thinking nobody there looked like much, and there I was, a ripped-up young guy who'd grown up with guns and always shot expert on every AF qualification course without even trying. You guessed it: I finished dead last.:o

Now, I get to see the other side: last year a few cops started coming to our IDPA matches. I was glad to see them come out. I was also glad to school them the way I was schooled that first night at an action pistol match.:cool:
There's nothing magical about Mil/LE training. Except for full auto, silencers, and unit tactics, the average civilian "gun nut" could train to a higher standard than the average cop/REMF in their spare time without a lot of $$$.

Saying that we should have an "armed class" of people on the goverment dime while the civilians are the sheep is exactly contrary to the spirit of the 2A, which is to be the final protection against oppression by that gov't.
It's not so much that guns can be taken from the police or a NG armory that bothers me. It's the bad actions and sometimes criminal actions of some police that's more worrisome.

- Cops who shoot too often or inappropriately such as D.C. police (revealed in a 1998 Wash. Post Article)

- Cops who steal guns from evidence lockers or plant guns on suspects.

- Cops who negligently discharge their guns - in bathrooms, in their kitchen ovens, in their holsters, patrol cars, etc.

- Cops who use their guns to kill their wives, families and themselves.

- Cops who have substance abuse issues that somehow stay on the job.

- Cops who abuse citizens, suspects and witnesses through intimidation, bullying and even physical force who believe the gun gives them that power.

This is not to bash the cops out there who work hard to be the best at their job and stay within the law. But like any other large group of humans, there will always be flawed people in the group.

Saying only the police and military... is to imply that they are somehow "better" than those who would not be allowed to have firearms. I think this perception comes form Hollywood's portrayal of cops being super-expert marksmen who can use a 2" .38 to shoot a gun out of suspect's hand at 80 yards. :rolleyes:
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It's not so much that guns can be taken from the police or a NG armory that bothers me. It's the bad actions and sometimes criminal actions of some police that's more worrisome.

- Cops who shoot too often or inappropriately such as D.C. police (revealed in a 1998 Wash. Post Article)

- Cops who steal guns from evidence lockers or plant guns on suspects.

- Cops who negligently discharge their guns - in bathrooms, in their kitchen ovens, in their holsters, patrol cars, etc.

- Cops who use their guns to kill their wives, families and themselves.

- Cops who have substance abuse issues that somehow stay on the job.

- Cops who abuse citizens, suspects and witnesses through intimidation, bullying and even physical force who believe the gun gives them that power.

This is not to bash the cops out there who work hard to be the best at their job and stay within the law. But like any other large group of humans, there will always be flawed people in the group.
And given such, they think having nobody to stop them when they go off the rails like that is a GOOD idea? That's why I'm glad we have places like GunSite and Blackwater around: to repel such a threat, we may have to be at least as proficient as they are. I should hate to think what a SWAT team or two going rogue would be like.