Only the English are this crazy

I watched an altercation on Court TV last night, British meter maids getting knocked around doing thier jobs, and not fighting back, resisting, NOTHING, bred to helpessness and servility. Nothing happened to the individuals who assaulted them, either, nothing.
I am not surprised by the announcement.
Things certainly haven't improved over in the UK since I emigrated in 1998. I don't miss it one bit, especially now I can legally own stuff that goes "bang". :p
The regular police have only just been allowed firearms in the UK for about a fewyear. In their early day, everyone but the police was allowed to be armed, but things were screwed up after they started using the old communists and gangs booger booger scare tactics like what happened in California and so on. Most armed response is done by specialist units who have considerable firepower at their disposal.

The weird thing is, when put to the vote, the British police vote everytime not for everyone of them to be armed.
Its sad the way people are treated like sheep there. No gun ownership and surveillance cameras on every corner. Not a very good way to live.

But they did it to themselves by allowing the liberal mentality to take over. Wake up America or your next!
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I was working on some UK police training materials a couple of years back - DVD based, multiple-choice answers.

One section dealt with a mental patient holding a gun. If you used your ASP (extending baton), CS spray or tried to reason, you got shot and killed. If you shot him, his gun magically transformed into a novelty lighter, you were dismissed from the service and lost your spouse. (Yes, that's what the results page said. Astounding).

Given this sort of .... stuff... it's hardly surprising that UK LEOs eschew guns. Nobody over here is in any way rational about firearms - or indeed any other weapon. It's been an interesting social experiment, when the pool of people one must draw one's defenders from has been so enwussified that they're incapable of doing the job.
But they did it to themselves by allowing the liberal mentality to take over.

Are you kidding me? No liberal would be caught dead voting for surveillance cameras on every street corner. In the United States giving up privacy from government for safety is largely a conservative thing. Look at the Patriot Act, warrant-less wiretapping, National ID, and Bush's permission to fly proposal.

The no guns thing, I have to concede to you. That you can blame on liberals.
I [ and others ] had an online debate with a guy from England once on another forum . He was totally brainwashed . He felt that in the England "utopoia" guns were not needed and nothing bad would happen to him because the English gov. would keep him safe .
Now, now Nev. I'm sure there's got to be at least one cop per Some Time Period in the US who's fallen over with plaqued-up arteries.

That said, with the sheer amound of skimmed milk in the populace here in the Uck, you'd think we'd be healthier. Not that I couldn't stand to lose a few pounds myself. Per limb.

But yeah, the majority of folk here are, indeed, utterly brainwashed. In a (reluctant) gun-bearing discussion (as a resident Yank, englandians seem to find it necessary to drag me into every single gh0dsbedamned whinge-fest about "the brutal horrors of gun-ownership"), some chap said "I don't want my daughter to have that responsibility". He was utterly impervious to the argument that by simple dint of living, she already, irrevocably has the responsibility to safeguard her own existance.

I have a devil of a time finding actual Men and Women to spend time with here. Weak sauce abounds, and it makes for a lonely (if disproportionately profitable) life. The next-door neighbour almost voided his bowels when I had a measly two-foot jump from the top of his borrowed ladder to the open bedroom window one time I'd forgotten my keys. He was literally white-faced and shaking when I opened the front door, and proclaiming that his "heart had skipped a beat".

I think I missed the memo requiring me to turn in my masculinity.
^ unfortunately.. thats probably also why England lost the revolutionary war..

scared about jumping into a window.. God I could only imagine if he was the victim of a drive-by argument or heaven forbid a rogue run-away soccer ball (football.. sorry).
Things change over time. We (UNITED STATES) have a lot of rights and laws that came from the English but things change when people do not want take responsiblilty on. Just look at America now and 50 years ago, we are headed for the same if we can not turn the tide.
Dead cop

Now, now Nev. I'm sure there's got to be at least one cop per Some Time Period in the US who's fallen over with plaqued-up arteries.

The first news I saw said that the policeman died after being assaulted during an arrest, it seems now that he suffered a heart attack and was not assaulted. Notwithstanding this, it seems crazy to me that fewer police in the UK are being armed while gun crime is escalating, an English politician is on record as saying that only 1 in 10 cops need to carry guns!!!
It reminds me of an old Robin Williams act I saw when he was talking about the unarmed British cops. When chasing a criminal they yell "Halt, or I'll yell halt again".:D
Hey at least they're being consistent.... disarming police and non-police alike. As opposed the absurd situation that American politicians try to foist on the populace...disarming the general citizenry while making exceptions for LEOs.
geee, in the midst of all of this hoplophobia and "disarming lust" over there they darn forgot one thing: the point is to disarm the bloody criminals :o ...

but since it is always quite difficult if not impossible to disarm the criminals I guess it makes them feel better if they can lash out and disarm "something", "anything", "anyone" even the hapless law abiding citizens (err, my apologies, that is subjects) and police ...anything to make them feeeel better :barf:
makes me think that it might be some sort of defective socialogical theory-if we force the good folks to be nice to them, the criminals will be nice, too. The press really relishes a story wherein the criminal is confronted and shamed, and he decides to repent, or turns out to be not such a bad bloke, but in most cases these days I would think such an approach mostly suicidal, as it might work with some juvenile delinquents who are not totally ruined, but not much with killers and convicts. That attitude does exist in the US, too. Just saw where an ex Marine in Michigan, tried to detain a shoplifter in the grocery store where he worked. He was on a break and someone noticed a thief taking bags of groc. without paying, he tried to stop the man without force, and merely followed the man when he escaped, to see where he went and inform authorities. He was sacked from his job there for making even a modest attempt to confront the shoplifter. Store policy?