Only Candidates OTHER than Ron Paul.


I think that 99% of us recognize that Ron Paul would be the best president ever as far as guns go and many other things, but we're the choir. I started this thread to discuss pro gun implications of the other candidates.

Hillary has a real chance of being sworn in 09, which means the real danger are those two years before pro gunners start taking back congress after she signs a couple of gun control laden bills.

The second most likely traitor to occupy the white house will be Giuliani. Because he is a chameleon and a phony republican, I think he's actually more dangerous than Hillary or is at least on par. We have a republican president right now who has a Janet Reno running the BATFE (Sullivan) and getting away with it as he persecutes law abiding FFLs such as Red's Trading Post.

If I have to be stuck with a democrat president, I'd prefer Obama because he will want to be liked since he would be the first black president. I don't think he will want to piss off 2nd amendment supporters the way Hillary will. On the flip side, Obama won't result in pro gunners rushing into congress.
Bill Richardson has the best NRA rating of all the Democratic candidates. He was endorsed by the NRA for Governor, has a concealed carry permit, and voted against extension of the Assault Weapons ban as a US Congressman.
Bill Richardson has the best NRA rating of all the Democratic candidates.

He lost me on immigration. Very permissive to illegals.

If I have to be stuck with a democrat president, I'd prefer Obama because he will want to be liked since he would be the first black president. I don't think he will want to piss off 2nd amendment supporters the way Hillary will. On the flip side, Obama won't result in pro gunners rushing into congress.

He's already said he intends to ban ALL semiautomatic firearms. It's on his website. "Ban the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons"
He's already said he intends to ban ALL semiautomatic firearms. It's on his website. "Ban the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons"
I have no doubt that Obama feels that way, but as I said, I don't believe he would put that on display at all while in presidential office (the drive to be loved as the first black president is enormous). Right now, but ESPECIALLY when he was a state senator, he's pandering to the gun hating wing of his party; HOWEVER, I think he took that off his campaign website (if it was ever there) because I couldn't find it.