only 19 days left till Jan1,2000, It will be a busy day!


New member
In only 19 days it will be Jan 1,2000 and y2k will be upon
us. And what a busy day it will be!!!
I have just spent 4 hours reading all the web sites concerned with y2k and so I now know everything that will happen! !:^o)

Now that I know every thing that is going to happen, I plan to either spend the
day in bed, hiding under the sheets or if I
have electricity, watching all the bad luck that befell all the other people who ventured out.
What do I personally think is going to happen? Nothing very much, but I could be wrong!
Any ways , here is what is "susposed" to happen, acording to all the wackos out there.

The forces of darkness will square off
with the forces of goodness and light, for the battle of Armegeddeon.

Reperesenting the anti-Christ will be either
Bill Klinton or the Secretairy General of the United Nations, depending upon which wackko
you listen to.The minions of darkness will be
the FBI, the BATF and other US Govt police agencies, with back up provided by UN troops
and the US Armed Forces.

In the white conner, wearing white 10 gallon stedsons and representing the forces of good
will be all faithfull Christians of all demonations, the NRA and all law abiding gun
owners, weather NRA members or not. !:^)
Providing back up will be Our Lord Jesus Christ and a host of heavenly angels with flaming belt feed 20mm rotating mini guns, chopping down entire buildings in just one burst, like Arnould had in Preditor!
We will proceed to fight it out for 7 years or until Klinton looses the next election to George Bush, whichever ocurs first.hehehe!
In the 10am to 11 am time slot, Klinton will go on tv and announce the nationwide Konfiscation of all privately owned firearms. He wont get many , because we wont be home , being all previously engaged with the battle of Armogeddion.
At 12 noon ,The One World Government will declare war on all American Patriots
and at 12:30pm on CNN ,the FBI will announce
a detailed nationwide assessment on the threat of domestic terrorism.
Meanwhile , the american computer system had commenced to melt down shortly after midnight leaving many American Cities without electricity, heat, lights, traffic lights ,computers, internet,telephone and fire and police services.Local stores were
all closed do to lack of electricity to run the cash registers and Visa Cards were useless. Everything in your refrigerator will melt!!! Pipes will freeze in homes with hot water heating systems. HOW AWEFULL--HOW GRUESOME!!! YUCK!! FROZEN & LEAKING PIPES!

As if this was not already bad enough
the Jewish Community in in utter tourmoil.

Some Jews, those marked with the sign of the beast, the infamous supermarket bar code,
must rush off to join the forces of darkness
while Good ,Faithfull Jews are hidden in safety until they can be returned to Isreal
by their Christian Brotherin.

2pm ,Proceeded by a Rosie O'Donnald anti gun commercial for Kmart, announcing that Kmart will no longer sell firearms to the public, but only to police and the military; Klinton again goes on CNN
and ABC TOO, to suspend all Constitutional Rights for every one and Declare Martial
Law Proclaming Himself Dictator of the
Sheeple's Liberal,Socialist Police States of America for Life.

3PM, NBC and affiliates show live coverage of riots,looting,rape,plunder,
pillage and cars and building burning in most major US cities. Police officers, having called in sick for the day, are no wheres
to be seen and the only islands of tranquility and peace are being guarded by
armed and law abiding citizens, over the age
of 42 and thus too old to be in a WELL REGULATED MILITIA,BEING NECESSARY TO THE SAFETY OF A FREE STATE, THE RIGHT of the people to keep & bear arms shall NOT be

4pm CNN , First reports of a truely
massive asteroid, believed to be the size of New York State, is found to be on a collision
course with Washington DC and thought to impact in 30 minutes.Coverage of the event
is misteriously blacked out from the DC area
to prevent the Klinton Administration from escaping.

ASTEROID hits Alantic Ocean 10 miles off shore of Washington DC creating a 3,000 foot
Tidal Wave that sweeps inshore all the way to the Misissippi Valley.
Combatants in the Battle of Armegedion
are missing and presumed drowned.
Film at 11 and now here's Rosie ODonnald for Handgun Control Inc.

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
Just think it'll all make a great america's funniest home videos clip :)

Star Trek nerd and proud of it
2:15 PM After the declaration of dictatorship clinton is firmly stomped into the pavement by angry dissidents... Mostly members of the Secret Service who are just too tired of his ridiculas ass.

2:16 PM Hillary stomped as well - for good messure.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
We, the people, are tired of being taxed, penalized, supervised, harassed,
and subjugated by a federal government which exceeds the powers
enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
Hey! You forgot about our space brothers! They're going to return in their UFOs and save us from all of our proplems!

Too bad the Secreted Service doesn't have the testicular fortitude to do anything like that...Oh, my God! I mean good thing they don't have the TF to do that! That would be bad!(For the benefit of our loving Fed lurkers)
No, cdf, it was the UFO people who caused those programmers to use the two-digit year-code in the first place! It was the easy way to bring about TEOTWAWKI, so they could move in and take over!

Get your facts straight! Read the STAR!
On the news the other night they were speaking on the lack of services and they stated that the phone system could go down. This would be due to people "trying the phone to see if it worked, calling the time to hear it change, and calling friends to be the first call of the new millennium".

Of course if there IS a Y2K failure they can blame this prepared scenario for it.
I really wish they would get the start of the new millinnium correct. It starts January 1, 2001, why do you think Arthur C. Clark titled his book 2001 SPACE ODYSSEY?

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
why do you think Arthur C. Clark titled his book 2001 SPACE ODYSSEY?

Erm, I always thought it was because it took place in 2001...

Anyway, I've given up on trying to eddicate the ignorant about this. The ones who will understand already do, and the ones who don't, won't. It's not the end of the world...

I hope. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
I sure pray that people are laughing at me later in the year 2000 about my over caution, but I will be ever viligent!?!?!?!?

From my cold dead hands.
I'm with Jim V and Coinneach, If they don't quit sayin' "new millennium" I'm gonna' have to go outside and shoot something! ;)
What are they gonna' say when the REAL new millennium starts in a little over a year.

I just don't know what'll happen on New Years Eve/day, but I think I'll be ready for anything.

Happiness is a tight group!
Bahh millenium-shmillenium. Time is just a human invention. It just depends when you start counting and what your units are. For example the millenium won't hit france until 2076 because they've got the metric system :)

No really, that's how it works! Honest....

"We need guns, lots of Guns"-Neo
Well - I hope everything goes to hell.

Because I'm ready for the Post Apocaliptic era...
I got 4 sets of spiked shoulder pads, and I look damn good in them!


"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
We, the people, are tired of being taxed, penalized, supervised, harassed,
and subjugated by a federal government which exceeds the powers
enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited December 14, 1999).]
I'm waiting for next spring when all those "new, never-fired, evil assault" rifles go up for sale. Will be nice buying these at a drastic discount as they are dumped on the market by all those people who didn't really want one but thought they would need it when the calender changed over. Of course they've never practiced with them so in effect we'll be buying NIB for say...$300. :) Then when they complain about how they paid $1000 + tell them to keep it and enjoy it instead of complaining about how their investment dried up.
well i doubt they will be THAT cheap, but $100 sks will return (except in Kalifornia).

But I do have to side with George here what the Heck am I gonna do with my spiked shoulder pads/leather chaps/motoraad boots with steel toes/horse hide and steel reinforced gloves with integral crossbows????

guess I could seel them to a pro wrestler.... or KISS. ;) (or keep them for next year's Burning Man)

Me, I'm planning on spending New year's Eve drinking DOM out of some cutesy red-headed girl's shoe and wearing vintage YSL tux.

Still... I'll know where the gear is stashed if the rampaging hordes of end of the world cultist/survivalist/un troops/black helicopter crowd/UFO poachers hiding out in cow shaped duck blinds decide to start something.

I'll be continuing my Y2k party deep underground in a revetted bunker with SAME aformentioned red head and surface when the rad count has dropped to reasonable levels and the jihad/apocalypse/second coming of the space poodle BRAD/nuclear winter is over.

Stocking up on Olives and cocktail onions,
