Online trading....

Rob Pincus

New member
Okay, in the last couple months, some of you may have noticed that I have been pretty active in the marketplace forums here at TFL.

In that time, I have set up three "transfers" with mixed results. Take this report for what it is worth and please feel free to post your own experiences:

Scenario 1: The Fair Deal

A member was looking for a scope. I had a scope that fit the needs of another member. As I was not using the scope, I agreed to send this member the scope for an evaluation, after which we could work out a trade or cash deal if he wanted it. He did want it and agreed to make me a custom knife, as he was a hobbyist knife maker. The value of the knife would be, IMO, more than the value of the scope, so I agreed to help him promote his knives, If I was happy with the quality and we had a deal. After a few weeks, the individual told me that he had a new job and wouldn't ahve time to complete the knife, but he gave me a couple of options from things he had to trade. I selected an item and he sent it to me promptly.

Scenario 2: The Joker

I wanted to trade a rifle. I found an interested party and once we had worked out a trade, he backed out at the last minute. Fine. Months later this individual became interested in a new trade for the same rifle. We came ot an agreement and I arranged for the rifle to be shipped to his FFL. I left town that day for about a week and half. When I got back and checked my Email, I had a message from him "explaining" that he had changed his mind. I sent him back an Email "explaining" that I was kinda disgusted with the situation, that I had already shipped the rifle and that I would appreciate it if he would go to his FFL , check out the rifle and either send me the agreed upon trade item or my rifle back. That was two weeks ago, I have not heard back from him, I have not noticed him around TFL and his FFL still has the rifle (as of last week).

Scenario 3: Just about Perfect

I wanted to buy a handgun. With an exhange of about 3 or 4 emails, myself and the owner cam to an agreement. I fed-exed him a cashier's check and a signed coppy of my dealer's FFL. three days later I got a box full of accessories delivered to my home that were part of the deal. 6 business days later the pistol arrived at my FFL (standard UPS ground Calif-Tennessee).

Saw Steve's ad here at TFL regarding the five used factory 15 round Beretta mags for $120. He wanted a money order so I sent him a bank draft (just had to be difficult). Got the five mags via Priority Mail. The transaction took a little over a week and we're both happy campers. Haven't tested them yet and they need to be reblued - a simple matter which I can do myself. :)
Don't you long for the days when a man (a real man) was as good as his word. He said what he meant and meant what he said. How many times have you followed through on a deal even when you wished you hadn't made the offer in the first place? But you did it because you said you would and that was reason enough. I know I have.

If we ever have a deal someday and I don't do exactly what I said I would - send the flowers in care of my wife - I won't be able to receive them!
I too long for the days when a mans word was good enough. pdimarco placed an add last Saturday. (3) aftermarket Sig. mags for $20.00 postpaid. This sounded fair to me. We agreed via email and the deal was done. I mailed out a personal check Monday, and feel confident that he will mail the mags upon receipt.
I've had the yearning to do a deal since I found TFL. It's been giving me that "gun show-gotta trade" feeling. The only problem is I've never owned a Sig.(but I'll be ready if a good deal comes along).
Now if someone could just refer me to a good psychologist......preferably one who speaks Glocktalk. Yes, Im a trade-aholic....

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Matthew 5:9
Hey Buzz...I can Glockenshpeel.

Got a G35 with a full compliment of mags listed on the USPSA site right now. It's not a huge bargain but it's a fair deal for the condition of the merchandise.
I developed a dislike of trading w/o seeing a gun or camera or accessory...unless I know the seller. TFL folks qualify, by and large. Usenet at large does not.

In other news, I am getting too busy to make web pages :( so I made a <a href="" targer="_new">sneak preview</a> directory. If anyone can help me ID the maker of the .410 in /lifesavers, I'd be much obliged.

PS: About my temporary exile...torturing Q for info has yielded nothing on this topic, though lots on others. What's going on, anyone?
Have brought several items from other members here on TFL, never a problem.

Cornered Rat: Mum is the word!

Justice for one,Justice for all.
Ve haff veys of making you talk! But, unfortunately, not on the topic of interest, and you need no encouragement to flap gums on other subjects :)

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited February 24, 1999).]
I was exceptionally pleased with the service provided by Gregory of Jersey City Armory (JCArmory on TFL). Transaction went smooth as a whistle. Goods were described in detail and arrived in same. He has my repeat business!
Just be aware of one thing. If the deal goes bad, you may have NO viable legal option.

I sent a gunsmith in Arkansas, from my home in CA, a pistol to be worked on. I had previously talked to two of his former employers, and they said that he was a very nice, honest person. He did a fine job, and I got it back within a reasonable time.

I sent him two more pistols, and never got them back. I contacted ATF; they told me that there was nothing they could do (!!). I contacted the local Sherriff and police dept. in Huntsville. No joy.

I then contacted a lawyer in Huntsville, who said that the guy had gone out of business; my guns were probably long gone, and while I could sue, the chances of getting anything, even a financial settlement, were nil.

So, learn from my lesson; limit your exposure to the smallest possible amount. Put any charges on a credit card if you possibly can; the credit card company will reimburse you if you are defrauded.

Be careful out there. Walt
I would have raised Cain with my Congresspersons. The firearms were effectively stolen. For ATF to claim impotence is a slap in the face to anyone who's every had to wait for a background check.

Rich Lucibella
Went to the range today with some of my favorite children (Guns). Besides shooting a decent score in a local competition, I tried out those 9mm Beretta 92 magazines I bought from Steve here at TheFiringLine. All five the Fed JHP 147 gr subsonic bullets without a problem. Apart from lots of cleaing to do (3 1/2 hours), I'm a happy camper.
We've all been 'had' from time to time, and I suppose you are like me in this regard - we don't forget. However, I have to admit, usually my fellow man is decent. Too bad he also is too busy to put down his beer, turn off the game, and really think about the logic of politics in this country.

This past weekend I sold an old Winchester .22 rifle to a fellow with a table at the gun show. He got a fair deal, I got a fair price, and we had a friendly conversation. I told him what I honestly knew about the rifle (father-in-law's old gun), and he accepted my word. We'd never met before, and he didn't even dicker with me on the price.

And, many of the firearms people I meet are salt of the earth. The other ones show themselves pretty quickly, so far.

cornered rat, we have no idea what you're talking about. ;)