Online real-time gun debate tonight!

Thanks Morgan..very cool

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You must register (free) to participate. Bummer is that someone already has my nick :(

Oh yeah...JAVA must be enabled
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited 01-15-99).]
Just finished listening to the debate. Thanks very much.

Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation did a credible job explaining that it was all about getting the Judicial Branch to accomplish what the gun grabbers can't do in the legislature. I loved his point about the money that's saved for cities by individuals lawfully employing handguns...basically, asked if citizens shouldn't sue the City Fathers for trying to curtail this saving. DC...any new ideas there?

Alex Penelas, in nearby Dade County, was a typical uninformed, grandstanding politician. I can't believe the Cuban contingent will support this...they are laregly responsible for Florida's "model" CCW law; given the history of Cuba, I always depend on them to "know better"...we shall see.

Roger Siblerud, whose child was killed by the drop of a defective(?) Ruger went a long way to explain that guns aren't the enemy (even though he entered the debate on the anti's side). His beef was with *defective* guns...not guns in general. (Being from Montana, he *does* know better.)

The callers were overwhelmingly pro-gun.

Then there was Alfred Marder of the City of New Haven Peace Commisssion (my home town). A complete moron, exposed by Gottlieb for what he is...a guy who doesn't trust GUNS! I swear, if I hear one more person repeatedly invoke the "You're killing our children" argument for *any* act of legislature or court, I will go to work for the USPS.

In his case, I can say for sure that he's noone in New Haven....hell, he's not even Italian!
I'm so glad Gottlieb brought that up. Call me naive, idealistic or whatever, but I can not nor will I accept the fact that these politicos can't be held responsible in some way.
This new concept should be further considered and debated here.....can we sue city officials for refusing to employ cost effective policies?

But, bottom line we all know that is not what this is all about....guns symbolize freedom and autonomy, and they don't like that.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I liked the part where they got into a shouting match over the gun locks, good show.
How can someone judge something if they never even used the product? But any way Good show.

Justice for one,Justice for all.
Thanks for reporting on the outcome of that show...I missed it. It's good to hear "our side" came out on top. Of course, that's what happens when facts are given more merit than emotion. Hopefully, we win the battle of hearts and minds in middle America.

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