online military discussion boards?


New member
hello all, I've been looking for online discussion boards concerning military technology, tactics, history, etc. but have not really found anything interesting. I do read the sci.military.moderated newsgroup, but haven't found much else of interest.

any recommended websites?
You may have tried this already, but maybe not. I put in "military history" into the search function at Yahoo and got all kinds of hits. Something like 44 categories and 165 matches. Give this a try if you haven't, you may find something you like.
I tried the Alta Vista and Hotbot search engines, but didn't come up with any boards which were technology or tactics oriented. found some that were "veteran's issues" type of stuff. I haven't hit on the magic keywords yet...

I guess we're spoiled with all of the good gun and hunting related boards on the web.
One if the big problems is that a lot of the info is not available for public consumption, Although TRADOC and MCCDC and their equivalent in the Navy and the AF put thing out on the net, a lot of it can only be accessed via the military Internet and even then often you need a entrance password.