One weapon on a plane they didn't think about...


New member
When I was flying a couple days ago, I went to the bathroom when the pilot turned off the fasten seatbelts light. It occured to me how easy it would be to scratch and then break apart the mirror with a diamond ring. Wrap the glass in a rag at one end and you have yourself a weapon.

I guess they haven't thought of everything.
I have no idea if it is easy or not to cut glass with a diamond (old wive's tale?) but you could just smash it with any hard object and have the same effect.

Shhhh! You may give someone ideas. Terrorist or Airline industry. Lord knows we need it a little more difficult as it is.
The availability of weapons to hijack an aircraft is endless. Many common, everyday items can be used as a weapon.

One scenerio I've wondered if they have considered is to simply kidnap the pilots and/or co-pilots family and have your buddy terrorists hold them at gunpoint. Then use them as leverage to control the plane. Just hand the pilot a cellphone with his wife or daughter on the line. Not even turning the cockpit into Fort Knox would prevent it.
If I can think of it, they can think of it. Believe me, they are not online right now trying to get ideas. It is way beyond that.
What folks don't seem to realize is that the whole psychology of air travel has changed. That is, nobody will believe a would-be hijacker who claims that if everybody will just be good little sheeple, all will turn out okay.

Forget it.

A buddy of mine had occasion to fly, sometime back in October. He reported that all the women sat by the windows; the men on the aisles, watching every move by anybody.

Forget doing any good with any hand weapon. Blankets/pillows for a "knife-man", and an all-out charge and swarm. The odds are that against a handgun, the attitude will be "Let's roll!"

The only airline terminal security which has any meaning, now, is searching for explosives. The rest of it is just feel-good, infantile pap.

10 to 1 odds that it's tempered glass, ands when you shatter it, all you'll get is a billion small pieces anyway...
No way...any terrorist moves on a plane in the next year or so, he's doing DOWN. Even with a gun, he's not going to be able to take down more than a dozen at most before they get him.
At a martial arts class I attended in the week following 9.11.01, a guest instructor taught a two hour class on using "field expedient" weapons in self defense. In addition to other things, he brought along a stack of magazines. We learned that a magazine, like American Way or Southwest Spirit, when rolled tightly can be very effectively used against a man armed with an edged weapon.
Dont forget that the seat bottoms come off to act as a floatation device. Being a floatation device, it has hand straps and is also foamy, it would make a good shield against someone with a 1-2" long blade (like a box cutter). Anything more, and you could be in deep doo-doo.

The air marshalls are among us. If someone was to brandish a weapon, they'll take a couple to the chest. I feel safer flying now than ever.
Even after they get this fresh influx of Air Marhsalls trained and in the, air... there won't be enough to put one on every flight.

BTW, I looked at the application--curiosity, I'm too old at 43--ands it looked to me lkike if you didn't wear a funny hat... Dogone it, everyone in the Army wears a funny hat now! Grrr... :barf::mad:
If you weren't from SOCOM--SF, Ranger, Delta, SEAL, Force Recon--the only way they'd talk to you was if you had been a CI spook, or MAYBE a VIP Protection MP. Maybe.

They are really looking for Special Warriors, though... line...ties...plastic...

See my articles below. I predicted the growing trend to strip-search people.

Sadly, it wasn't much of a prediction. Nor am I pleased by it.

Now, if they'd add CCW holders to the list of alphabet soup and cops who can carry...
DW Drang, if you saw the PSD for the generals in europe you would not add them to your list. Poorly trained hacks would be too generous I'm afraid. I have never worked that field but these guys are a bad joke and it is easy to spot bad work. They think they are untouchable because they work directly for the big boys themselves so they act as they please.
DW Drang, if you saw the PSD for the generals in europe you would not add them to your list. Poorly trained hacks would be too generous I'm afraid. I have never worked that field but these guys are a bad joke and it is easy to spot bad work. They think they are untouchable because they work directly for the big boys themselves so they act as they please.
Hmmm, a 98C puking on MPs... Who to believe...? :D
The only time I ever saw Protective Services in action was during my final tour in Korea, when what's-his-name, klintooon's SecDef made a campaign stop at Cp Stanley. I saw 2, one, an older guy, who acted professionally, and another, younger guy who seemed to think he was auditioning for "COPS." IOW, a typical MP. ;) No up-close-and-personal time, though. (All my overseas time was in Korea--7 1/2 years!--and the ROKs get upset at the idea of GIs in plainclothes wandering around freely with guns.)

The skill sets--"KSAs: KNowledge, Skills, Abilities"--that PSD should have were definately on the list, though.